Saturday Night Live is dominating the online entertainment discussion right now, and as usual nowadays, it’s not for being funny. This year is the long-running late night sketch comedy show’s fiftieth anniversary, and they celebrated this weekend with a three-hour episode that featured former cast members and fan-favorite hosts, including members of the Five-Timers Club (stars who’ve hosted the show at least five times). One such Five-Timer is Tom Hanks, who made an appearance at the end of a recurring sketch called “Black Jeopardy,” in which Kenan Thompson hosts a version of Jeopardy with questions geared towards black contestants. Hanks played the role of Doug, a working-class Trump supporter. You can watch the sketch below to see why people are so fired up about Hanks’ appearance:
The biggest takeaway from the “Black Jeopardy” sketch is that Tracy Morgan looks about thirty years older than Eddie Murphy despite being seven years younger than him. After that, it’s Tom Hanks’ depiction of a Trump supporter: a racist who doesn’t want to shake hands with a black man for fear of touching him – or that’s how it’s being interpreted, anyway. To me, it looks more like he assumes Kenan Thompson is trying to hold him up for his wallet, which is a little different. Thompson tells him, “No, Doug, it’s just a handshake,” and Hanks slowly realizes he isn’t being robbed and shakes hands cordially. After the hubbub, I was all set to be pissed off when I watched the sketch, but I found it kind of funny. I haven’t watched Saturday Night Live in quite a while because the quality has dropped off big time in the last decade or so; occasionally, there’s a good sketch, but overall, it’s just crickets mixed with desperate attempts to mock Trump and his supporters. Rob Schneider, who was a cast member in the 90s, pointed to the episode after Trump’s victory in 2016, where the show opened with Kate McKinnon dressed as Hilary Clinton singing a somber rendition of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” as the moment SNL died, and he may be right. But with all that said, this sketch and the Tom Hanks moment didn’t bother me. This is actually a sequel of sorts to an older “Black Jeopardy” sketch where Hanks was a contestant. Watch that one below:
That sketch is great, much smarter than Saturday Night Live usually is in the Trump era. The point is that Trump supporters and black people have more in common than they may realize, which is a nice, unifying message – again, very unlike modern SNL. Notice also that the handshake gag was here first, so the one on the anniversary special was a callback to Tom Hanks’ earlier appearance on the “Black Jeopardy” sketch. Doug isn’t racist; he’s just a fish out of water being exposed to people he doesn’t usually interact with, as are the black contestants and the host. Even the last joke is pretty funny, an acknowledgment of the differences as well as the similarities in various American subcultures. I tend to think calling back to this was their attempt to throw a bone to the other side. I get that conservatives have their backs up when it comes to Hollywood, and they’re wise to be wary of anything in mainstream entertainment; I’m not pretending Saturday Night Live has suddenly turned over a new leaf in 2025. (Did you see their unhinged opening after the election in November?) But it’s also important to take things on a case-by-case basis, and I think this gag was well-intentioned, just like the first sketch was. I don’t want to reach a point where I’m unable to laugh at myself, or, as Elliot Ness puts it in The Untouchables, to become what I have beheld. Let the left have sticks up their ass; we’re supposed to be the fun ones now.
Let us know what you thought of the “Black Jeopardy” sketch with Tom Hanks on Saturday Night Live in the comments!
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Let’s check in on how that movie, Saturday Night, did in 2024
Budget $25–30 million
Box office $9.8 million
It lost money! No one likes these people for a reason.
Once upon a time, there was real talent like Bill Murray, Steve Martin and Dan Akroyd. That is just no longer true. They lose money, but when the money printers get to bankroll their own propaganda, you begin to realize the truth that you already live under a partial socialism but it’s Socialism for the Shysters, while the sheep and cattle have to actually work and produce. Lorne Michaels sees the public as animals and, on some level, the public realizes this, but will never actually say it nor speak directly and plainly.
Beware of SNL and Borat and Late Night. They will vaccinate you and sterilize you and euthanize you if they get their way.
It’s a shame, because Saturday Night was a good movie. Unsurprisingly, it focused on the very first episode, and what the show was initially supposed to be about. It was all about speaking truth to power. Look at them now; they kiss the ass of whoever they’re told to.
For Kenan Thompson to take part in this racist sketch is very revealing. Kenan was on the set when Dan Schneider was raping, molesting and abusing Amanda Bynes. Kenan admitted he kept quiet and his head down because he was young and the Dan was powerful in the industry. The cowardice is understandable. Can’t expect someone so young to show bravery and courage, but it looks like Kenan Thompson would do the very same now, and he did. As Lorne Michaels and his writers rape a person’s character, Kenan is right there to kiss the tuckus and lick the boots for his fat obese career. Kenan is the type who’d cover for Epstein or Diddy.
Since that movie LIFE and the boxer movie, Eddie Murphy has hid behind on donkey in animation. He lost his appeal. Overexposure was his downfall. Also, I never saw Key and Peele, but it looked funny. In Living Color was legendary black comedy. Kenan is the only authentic one. The rest is forced.
Tom Hanks had a good career, but one day, ten years has gone by and you realize he’s kind of washed up. Calling us racist is just old hat now. Crummy schools and occupied media have been calling us racists since before we were born, so it doesn’t really matter what we do because Lorne Michaels and his tribe hate white people and are focused on antiwhite genocide via invasion and dilution and used NGOs and USAid money among their tribe to take out white countries. It’s just the truth. People are in massive denial about this, but Larry Fink wants whites gone and to parcel off land to Easterners or anyone else with money who wants western resources and he just acts as a shyster middleman salesman and, people might try to convince you it’s just business, but it’s just murder and genocide is what it really is.
SNL 50 came and went, so was it special? SNL has not been relevant to me for decades which explains Murphy’s appearance and Tom Hanks. They are both so very old. A bygone era and stars from before shooting on digital became the norm. Do you get that? Both these guys are from the Blockbuster video VHS era or prior. They are not modern. Young people do not know them nor care about them. The country changed demographically and technologically and that’s the thing. Imagine the new Hispanic or Asian majority giving a damn about these washed up old geezers. They are not relevant on the world stage.
Kenan is the only thing going for SNL. It is no longer a farm league or amateur grooming ground for future comedy stars. Who was the last one? Maybe Will Farrell or Jimmy Fallon. Farrell is done since he started pushing and promoting tranny stuff. He’s a creepy weirdo now.
Whether it’s Haiti or South Africa, London or Paris, shysters and their NGOs and the commies and marxists titrate the conditions to murder white westerners. All of them do this, whether Jacob Javits, Emanuel Cellar, Joe Slovo, Rahm Emanuel, Bill Kristol or other types, you will notice a pattern of those string-pullers behind the scenes, the Kissinger types, that sell off your farmland, import the welfare class of violent criminals and eventually, usher in state backed famines to kill people off. We might see this with eggs and beef and crops soon. The whole point of Kissinger’s interdependence was so that the Red Army can cut off your supply lines of food.
SNL in this case is just playing the role of character assassination and laying the ground world to kill off Middle America in the Heartland and also, southerners. The media occupier class has been consistent in this since before we were even born. They targeted a race of people for their ethnicity and their theology. Also, notice that the media occupier class is in the Idolatry business. They make icons of public figures in acting, comedy, etc. Their idolatry machine’s purpose is to manufacture a fake aristocracy. This fake aristocracy then accuses the serfs and peasants of being idolaters or immoral, so that they can kill them off by arming all groups and pitting races and classes against each other while they kick back and buy it all up with looted wealth after the streets are bloody. You have also seen this in L.A. with the fires and Maui with the fires.