Dragon Quest III HD 2D Remake Creator Voices Displeasure at Western Gaming Restrictions

Americans aren’t the only ones who’ve had it with woke DEI garbage neutering our entertainment. As you’ve almost certainly noticed, video games are going through a puritanical phase, where developers are forcing them to downplay women’s attractiveness – either by covering them up or making them less beautiful at the outset – and including left-wing sociopolitical elements like the elimination of genders or the inclusion of 1001 pronoun options. This ties into the rise of consulting firms like Sweet Baby Inc. Nobody likes this, and it’s taking a toll on video game sales, but the practice continues, with modern remakes of older games being the most glaring examples. It turns out that foreign game developers are even more frustrated with it than gamers, though.

In a recent interview at the Tokyo Game Show, Yuji Horii, the CEO of Armor Project and the creator of Dragon Quest, talked about developing the upcoming Dragon Quest III HD 2D Remake and voiced his displeasure with the woke restrictions placed on him and the game’s publisher, Square Enix, by Western game ratings system and video game companies. Dragon Quest III HD 2D Remake irked a lot of fans of the Dragon Quest franchise by removing the male and female character distinctions and replacing them with “Type A” or “Type B,” as well as renaming the game’s “jobs” so that they no longer have a gender in their titles. X user MangaLawyer also recently shared that the game’s main female character, Jenna Sharpe, is being covered up, so she’s not revealing as much flesh as she used to.

Predictably, many gamers are throwing up their hands and resolving not to buy Dragon Quest III HD 2D Remake because, despite the refusal of video game companies to get the message, people are tired of this nonsense and realize that if it isn’t halted now, it’ll just get worse. And they have an ally in Yuji Horii, who expressed his confusion and anger with these practices and restrictions, as did Kazuhiko Torishima, the editor-in-chief of a weekly manga magazine anthology series called Weekly Shōnen Jump. You can see his interview below, which is translated into English with subtitles:

It’s frustrating watching them refer to America as a “ridiculous country,” but it’s hard to blame them when they have to deal with this woke garbage. The revealing nature of women’s outfits is more a regulation about age ratings, so they cover up the ladyfolk to avoid getting bumped up to a more restrictive rating and cutting the sales of their game. If Dragon Quest III was previously considered okay for younger ages, though, it’s hard to see why it’s suddenly no longer suitable. And if you look at the images, it’s not like Jenna Sharpe was running around naked or anything; she looks like the female warriors in a Conan story or some other swords and sorcery book. As for the Type A and Type B character models that replaced male and female, I don’t think that’s the government or any official ratings rule so much as the woke demands of game companies. To answer Yuji Horii’s question about who was complaining about this, it wasn’t gamers; it was the screeching harpies in the DEI departments of these companies, or the woke consultants they hired, or some other bunch of joyless scolds who demand the rest of the world be as sexless and boring as they are. Nobody wants this, but the narcissistic lunatics who have been given way too much control over the culture will do everything they can to ram it down our throats anyway. And guys like Yuji Horii will suffer because the game will sell about as well as caviar at a ball game. Or, as Elon Musk succinctly put it:


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