Las Vegas. The city goes by many names, from “Sin City” to “Lost Wages.” Either way, it is a place that has gone down in infamy throughout the decades. I’ve never been the sort to feel a pull towards a city like Vegas since the things that occur there are essentially the polar opposite of things I’d personally do. However, this year’s Friday Night Tights meet-up was the first exception, and I was originally unable to go; then, opportunity struck—maybe even divine opportunity (as cheesy as it may sound), being that I was able to procure such a late flight. On the night of April 10, my friends and I pulled up to the Millennium Fandom Bar, eager to meet many people we’ve known from the chats, to put faces to names and create more connections within the Fellowship. The venue is filled with things we know and love, from a Master Sword and Hylian Shield and a Sonic Screwdriver on display to a Millennium Falcon suspended above the couches in the lounge area. Even the bathrooms had their themes on the doors, with various characters of both sexes to distinguish them, which I thought was a very nice touch. The backroom was probably my favorite, though, with lots of memorabilia paying homage to great films and TV shows.
I’ve been a fan of Geeks + Gamers since around 2018, but this was the very first FNT/G+G meet-up I’ve ever attended. I somewhat knew what the event would be like, having watched past livestreams of previous meet-ups, but had anyone told me I would also be on the writer’s team for this very site, writing these words describing my experience at said event, I wouldn’t have believed it for a moment. It was also surreal to be recognized by people, both the crew and regulars from the chats who were able to attend. I never thought of myself as an important person or anything like that, so it was indeed a humbling experience in the sense that it felt very familiar. Never once did I feel out of place or uneasy, as I typically would in a situation involving crowds. That’s most likely because I was surrounded by many like-minded people, and the atmosphere was perfectly intimate so that conversations could be heard, even over the music booming overhead. Speaking of conversations, I cannot begin to fully convey how grateful I am for those I had with the people I talked to during and after—you know who you are.
This, in my mind, has only strengthened my love for this Fellowship, and I feel I can speak for many others when I say that these meet-ups help to forge stronger bonds of camaraderie. Even watching the elation of the winners during the raffle was a treat, despite being someone who never wins things myself.
Many familiar and new faces were present during both nights, but the true MVP of it all was Shane Bonds, AKA Saxophone guy. He sat outside and jazzed it up (yes, pun intended), playing any request from “The Legend of Zelda Theme,” “The Imperial March,” and the “Pokémon Theme.” The music did not cease there, for G+G’s very own DEI officer, Ryan Kinel, serenaded us with classic Disney tunes of the 90s that many of us grew up with, which was a treat to hear… and behold. Another honorable attendee was none other than MCU Fan A.K.A SIMPY, or “Mista Krista.” Despite his reputation in the chats and certain areas of the Discord, he is quite a sweet boy and is very much like his brother, “Shots?!” Dom H. Both nights passed by pleasantly, however there were moments when even I, who loves sleep, wished there was no necessity for slumber so as to continue the pure joy of being around such great friends, old and new.
FNT Vegas is going well so far
— DDayCobra (@DDayCobra) April 10, 2024
Okay, jokes aside, I will also HIGHLY encourage people to organize their own meet-ups in your area (when feasible, of course) because though they may not be hosted by our favorite content creators, we can still have these cherished moments when together in the flesh. I haven’t recalled a time where I laughed so much, let alone spoke so much, in my life; normally, I’d be mentally drained, but it hardly felt so after meeting such fantastic people. It’s these moments that make all of us feel less alone in our likes and passions, able to express our thoughts freely without any judgment—unless you have takes as AWFUL as a certain bearded fellow who loves poo cookies. Yeah, I lied about the jokes ceasing.
This aspect of the Fellowship, of course, is one that is held near and dear: being able to crack jokes, however they may be delivered, with an eruption of hollering laughter ensuing, drunkenly singing off-key to old songs or having civil but heated discussions about certain fandoms, which is the best sound to hear amongst friends, and that is, honestly, what this is all about. My heart is forever filled with gratitude for the many friendships I’ve formed, which I know will last a lifetime.
In conclusion, the two nights I spent in Las Vegas, Nevada, were amongst the best of my life, and I will cherish them for as long as I reside on this Earth. The sincerest thanks to the FNT/G+G crew and the Millennium Fandom Bar for hosting the event and to all who continue to support these channels so meet-ups like this can happen. HAIL to the Fellowship, the 199, and last but certainly not least, the GCA!!
(Featured from left to right: Yopops215, Lady Medea, myself, HoodieD67, and Alec Baldwin’s Finger)