Fortnite Update v22.10

Fortnite has done the first big update of the season. According to the article linked in this tweet, there have been gun, loot, and Battle Pass changes.

First off, they vaulted the normal DMR and replaced it with a Cobra DMR. They say it has a fast fire rate, and you’ll be able to get it from all the normal gun loot ways.

There are new chests on the map called Holo-Chests. These chests will show you a holographic image of what’s inside. You’ll need a key to open a standard and two for an exotic weapon.

Grapple gloves are back! You’ll get faster with each swing until the third and up when you’ll be at max. They will not be in special boxes; you will now be able to get the grapple glove from the ground, chests, supply drops, and legendary and Mythic trees. They will be available until the v22.20 update.

The pickaxe for Byte, The Nothing’s Gift, that’s on page 2 of the Battle Pass, will unlock quests once you claim it, if you haven’t already. You will be able to unlock seven different styles for it.

The Bonus Battle Pass pages that were locked are now unlocked. They have Celestial, Spectral, and Aurelian styles for the Battle Pass skins of Bytes, Lennox Rose, Paradigm Reality-659, Meow Skulls, and Spider-Gwen.

If you hold down your ping button, you’ll have more detailed pings to alert your teammates or command the bot you hired. There are now “watch this spot” or “defend here” alerts.

Boogie Bombs are now vaulted again. They’ve also updated the animation for equipping one-handed pickaxes so they no longer fly into the hand. They also recently did a small hotfix update for the EvoChrome weapons. The floor loot availability has increased, and the rate to upgrade each level has decreased.

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