Is Geeks + Gamers’ Jeremy a Blue Beetle Villain?

Geeks + Gamers’ founder, Jeremy Griggs, has made it into a mainstream comic book, or, rather, his likeness has… maybe. According to Fandom Pulse, which first reported on the topic, DC Comics’ new Blue Beetle graphic novel, This Land is Our Land, features a plot about impressionable youths being indoctrinated by right-wing YouTube personalities – who, of course, turn out to be evil Nazis – and one of them caught people’s attention because he bears a striking resemblance to Jeremy. The character rants about the mainstream media and its vilification of straight white men while his unassuming victim (painted in red light as he grows more demonic) appears hypnotized by the speech.  He becomes one of a sea of internet voices warning of the dangers of immigration – by which I assume the writer meant illegal immigration, the qualifier of which is conveniently omitted – as the zombie-like youth stares ahead in a trance, no doubt being all but possessed by the bad YouTube people. (Note in the picture that he appears to be staring above his laptop rather than at the screen; superb artwork, DC.)

Jeremy, Blue Beetle Jeremy, Blue Beetle

As Fandom Pulse correctly notes, DC did the same thing to Eric July, making him some demented-looking podcast host in the vein of Alex Jones. That’s strange, as July is nothing like Jones and hasn’t, to my knowledge, talked about “the frogs are gay” types of conspiracy theories, but that hardly matters when you’re this determined to strike back at the forces of evil who dislike your comic books or your movies or your whatever-the-hell.

Jeremy, Eric July, DC Comics

Mainstream comics have also done this to political figures, an orange-haired President in particular, whose likeness Marvel used to depict supervillain MODOK in Spider-Gwen Annual.

Jeremy, Donald Trump, MODOK

Compare that to Marvel’s treatment of Barack Obama on the c over of The Amazing Spider-Man:

Jeremy, Spider-Man, Barack Obama

And, whatever; leftists gonna leftist. The Trump stuff is essentially a tantrum, and the Jeremy and Eric July depictions (if they’re supposed to be Jeremy and Eric; maybe it’s a total coincidence, and maybe the moon is made of cheese) are the equivalent of shooting spitballs during study hall – or, more accurately, George Bush’s “Two Bad Neighbors” sign in that classic episode of The Simpsons, minus the wit. However, something in That Park Place’s article about this is interesting to think about, and it goes beyond Jeremy or Eric, or even Trump. As That Park Place says, writers typically use villains to espouse the ideas they disagree with and think are damaging, while the heroes represent their philosophy. (This isn’t always true, but in something as politically charged as this Blue Beetle graphic novel appears to be, it’s a safe bet that’s the case.) In real life, Jeremy typically wears a Star Wars hat, which, for copyright reasons, DC probably couldn’t recreate. So, instead, they used a hat with the American Flag on it. What does it tell you about these people that their go-to symbol for all that’s evil in the world is the American Flag? The second panel suggests that This Land is Our Land is about championing immigrants (again, no mention of “illegal,” as people like this rarely make a distinction, which is insulting in itself) and saying they’re just as American as a natural-born citizen. That’s cool, but why would you make that point while using the American Flag as the bad guy signal? Doesn’t that undermine the message? But there I go, trying to apply narrative consistency and a logical thematic throughline to a modern piece of entertainment, which makes me the crazy one. And, to be fair, I’m never going to read this thing, so maybe it all makes sense once the story wraps up. Not that I’d stake my savings on it, but who knows?

Let us know what you think of Jeremy’s (alleged) appearance in a Blue Beetle comic in the comments!


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Comments (2)

October 23, 2024 at 1:17 am

It’s good for a laugh. Leave it to corporate to always stab an American in the back on behalf of anybody else. A very Jeb move.
Jeremy has always been pretty solid. I used to like when he said: Pour one out for the working man, which is why Trump’d McD’s stunt made all the sense on the world. The people in media and politics cannot relate because, they say they are for the people, but it comes off stiff and awkward since they work for globalist oligarchs.

It’s fascinating to see billion dollar corporations try to attack zoomers and millenials and try to pass the blame to them. Jeremy never looted us for billions. He got no insider trading. It’s like, you are far more likely to be a villain if you are outside of the connected, privileged group.

Lampooning people is kind of the point of comics. All in good fun, but they can dish it out, but can they take it? When we use comedy to push back, there are accusations of misinformation or ties to Russia, which make it even more comical. This is why I loved GnG and Nerdrotic. Just for the sheer Roast. Mocking the entertainment class. The entertainment class has always made fun of the working man, the southerner, the midwesterner, etc., but now, it’s obvious they are all globalist authoritarian traitors that work against our very nations.

DC comics would take the side of cartels over our countrymen, which should kind of tell you something, if you read between the lines, such as, who are the cartels working with, in terms of funding and arms, etc.?

October 23, 2024 at 1:26 am

Kind of think if there are any in the know out there, that they should send in their ideas, so Rippa can make some comic pages of the conniving shysters who come up with this attack media. Have their thought bubbles and their dialogue, like they are sitting in a room, rubbing their hands, and saying, how can we malign these upstarts and transfer all attention onto them, so they don’t notice The Kalergi Plan and The Great Replacement and the looting of billions of dollars from them to prop up the caste system that benefits us?

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