Jenna Ortega “Speaks Out” About Hollywood Political Correctness

Jenna Ortega (Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice) had a few words to say about Hollywood’s political correctness in a recent photo shoot and interview with Vanity Fair. However, this is not the win most would believe. 

Jenna Ortega Political Correctness

This stems from a scandal last year regarding the young actress’s then co-star on Scream 7, Melissa Barerra, who went to social media to share posts that accused Israel of “genocide and ethnic cleansing” and an excerpt from Jewish Currents magazine about distorting “the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry.”

The film production company Spyglass immediately came out with a statement condemning what the actress shared, stating, 

“Spyglass’ stance is unequivocally clear: We have zero tolerance for antisemitism or the incitement of hate in any form, including false references to genocide, ethnic cleansing, Holocaust distortion or anything that flagrantly crosses the line into hate speech.”

Hollywood loves to have their “sacrificial lambs” when it comes to scandals of any sort within their ranks, and this instance is no different than any of the past “fall guys.” The media is also a perfect shield for them, easily burying any story to be memory-holed by the masses, sometimes never to see the light of day. These young and old actors merely follow marching orders, as Mark Ruffalo admitted recently, and Jenna Ortega is doing just that. Her statements are her wish to be able to spew her own rhetoric about her “views,” yet Hollywood is showing its true colors of pure hypocrisy. The industry itself has created this environment, forcing any and all people with differing opinions to be shut down and oppressed into silence—just ask Gina Carano and James Woods. The latter actor recently revealed that he was omitted from being listed as a producer for Christopher Nolan’s biopic Oppenheimer for his support of a certain presidential candidate. 

“We have zero tolerance for antisemitism or the incitement of hate in any form, including false references to genocide, ethnic cleansing, Holocaust distortion or anything that flagrantly crosses the line into hate speech,” a Scream 7 production company responded in a statement. Ortega refuses to be stifled. “The business that we work in is so touchy-feely,” she says. “Everybody wants to be politically correct, but I feel like, in doing that, we lose a lot of our humanity and integrity, because it lacks honesty.” Ortega’s experiencing a rush of thoughts now. “I wish that we had a better sense of conversation. Imagine if everyone could say what they felt and not be judged for it and, if anything, it sparked some sort of debate, not an argument.”

She cocks her head to one side, as if a thought bubble has appeared. “Am I describing world peace?”

Maybe ask that of the activists who now run the business, sweetie. Although it’s doubtful little Miss Ortega will get the answer she wants, if she even wants one. These narcissistic wackos love to have their little moment of fame, regardless of what or who may be left in the wake of it all. If it gets them that dopamine hit they so crave from whatever attention they seek, then it was all worth the effort. Anyone who would actually believe these people have any sort of humanity or integrity in them should consider that belief long and hard or just pay attention when a majority of these actors open their mouths. The woke virus has taken them body and soul, and any dissent results in public flogging (figuratively, of course) by the media industrial complex. Anyone who wishes to work in Hollywood again after the fact should more than likely choose a different career path. It would certainly lead to the betterment of the heart and soul to leave a place filled with lies, deceit, and the worst possible sins ever imagined, even with no blood being spilled. 

Hollywood always protects its own and takes down any opposing voice against their hive-mind mentality. If Jenna Ortega actually meant what she said, or rather actually stood for free speech, which is our right as citizens of the United States, then her job and career would’ve been taken from her in the blink of an eye from the start. 

Comments (2)

August 10, 2024 at 4:12 am

The most taboo subject in the world, and everyone knows it. We are living under a cloud of fear programmed since birth on that topic.
The statement about having no tolerance for hate is not true because it is in no way equitable. In all domains, westerners have been betrayed, looted, ripped off, diluted and it is actually a genocide.
Foreign wars take all the money and then, invaders and refugees are brought in to replace and destroy the people that were fleeced and who have been priced out of any kind of future, while all assistance goes to the imposters. You see it in UK, EU, Canada, USA, etc.
Maybe a generation ago, you could let it slide and just go on about your career, but now, it’s too much and I can see why some just have to talk about it.

August 11, 2024 at 12:05 am

Melissa Barerra said something that took guts. The thing is, what would really bend ears is if any actors talked about The Great Replacement or The Kalergi Plan, both of which are happening clearly.
In the UK, if you object to invaders stabbing girls at dance classes, they will call you a far right thug and even arrest you for hateful retweets of memes.
None of the billions looted by Zelensky and Bibi have gone into protecting western girls from invader hostility, so I don’t support any of this.

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