If Loki hasn’t been kicked in the testicles enough for your taste, you’re in luck. According to a Film & Television Industry Alliance call sheet, season 2 of the Disney+ series Loki will begin filming in London on June 6, 2022. The call sheet also gives a plot synopsis, such as it is: “Loki, a trickster and shapeshifter, pops up throughout human history as unlikely influencer on historical events.” Since Loki doesn’t even remotely resemble a trickster anymore, I think that’s just some stock copy they had lying around the studio. Tom Hiddleston is the only actor listed, but the directors are Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead of Moon Knight. It also has Michael Waldron listed as the writer, which is puzzling since Eric Martin is supposed to have taken over as head writer for Waldron this season. Is Waldron accepting a demotion? I thought since he wrote Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (which doesn’t bode well for it; I haven’t checked it out yet), he’d moved on to bigger things. Nothing else about Loki season 2 is known yet.
If you followed my reviews last year, you know how much I hate what this show did to one of the MCU’s most compelling characters (which seems to be par for the course in Phase 4). I’m not thrilled it’s coming back because I don’t care what happens to any of these people, including the soulless shell they insist on continuing to call Loki. The multiverse arc, with its “sacred timeline” nonsense, has decimated whatever continuity the MCU had left, as well as ruined so many of the big, show-stopping moments that helped make it special. But that’s what happens when you give control to someone whose first priority is seeing herself represented. What baffles me the most is the ineptitude of the writers considering their experience. Michael Waldron served as a producer on Rick and Morty during its fourth season, and he wrote an episode as well, while Eric Martin was a production assistant and an intern for a few episodes of season 1. If you haven’t seen it, Rick and Morty also deals with the multiverse, but it handles it exceedingly well and intelligently, as it does all its sci-fi concepts, using it to grow the show’s universe and lore, expand on the characters, and have a lot of fun. It makes sense that Marvel and Disney would pluck talent from Rick and Morty, but how they managed to find the two guys who appear to have learned nothing from their tenures there is either luck or dark, twisted skill. Or maybe they’re suffering from too much studio interference on Loki, which is a possibility; Disney strikes me as a company that would bring on people from Rick and Morty, then tell them how to write about the multiverse. Whatever the case, I don’t think there’s any way to fix Loki or what it did to the multiverse, but we’re getting more regardless.
Are you glad there’s another season of Loki on the way? Do you like the way Marvel is handling the multiverse? How many times do you think “glorious purpose” will appear in next season’s dialogue? Let us know in the comments, and stay tuned to Geeks + Gamers for more about the now-reformed God of Mischief!