New Across the Spider-Verse Villain Revealed

This Monday, June 13th, the official Spider-Verse social media pages revealed a new character for the upcoming movie. Next year’s Across the Spider-Verse, a sequel to the hit 2018 film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, will feature a villain named The Spot. This interdimensional being has appeared in the Spider-Man comics, but this will be his debut in the Spider-Verse film series. He will be voiced by Jason Schwartzman. Check out the post here:

I don’t know anything about this character. The Spot looks awesome, and his concept is perfect for this movie. I like how his powers use his opponents’ strength against them, as we see Miles inadvertently kicking Gwen in the still. I can’t wait to see him in action, though it’s hard to imagine them outdoing the combo of Kingpin and Doc Ock in the first movie. I have the utmost faith in this creative team after the previous film, though. Sony earned a lot of goodwill with Into the Spider-Verse, and I hope they deliver on it.

Did you read any comics with The Spot? What do you think of him as a Spider-Verse antagonist? Let us know in the comments!

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