Search Results for: spider-verse

REVIEW: Supergirl #28

Kara Zor-El is facing down about half a dozen failed, mutated clones of herself in this week’s Supergirl #28. Super-clones never bode well for DC Universe heroes of any form or faction, as their Kryptonian progenitors tend to be touted as amongst the most powerful beings the multiverse has to offe...

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Top 10 Movies of 2018

In 2018, a lot of popular movies failed to meet expectations. Plenty of the year’s blockbuster films either fell on their face or didn’t hit the mark. On the flip side, there were movies like Roma and Mid90s that came out of nowhere and genuinely surprised me. Year-end lists are alway...

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Genre Tropes Vs. Homage Vs. Plagiarism

The films of 2018, and various debates surrounding them, have been increasingly making me wonder about the difference between genre tropes, homage, and just uninspired laziness. I definitely think there’s a defined difference, and I think this past year, in particular, we’ve gotten a lot of the ...

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2018 Superhero Movies Ranked

2018 has been an outstanding year for superhero movies. The number of these films being produced every year continues to increase, making it hard to watch all of them. What needs to be praised for 2018 specifically is the diversity in their styles. The standard action superhero movie is still alive ...

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Why I’m Excited: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7

Star Wars: The Clone Wars premiered during a very different time at Lucasfilm. The prequels had finished three years prior, and George Lucas was planning on moving into television. His goals were simple: To create a live-action TV show and 100 episodes of the CGI animated series. Although the live a...

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REVIEW: Bumblebee (2018)

The Transformers film series has been an utter disappointment. Michael Bay found a way to take these beloved characters and create movies that do them no justice. It’s been frustrating for longtime fans of Transformers to see this franchise continuously mishandled. This is why Bumblebee is s...

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