Search Results for: gen v season 1 review

REVIEW: The Predator (2018)

When an established franchise gets rebooted and decides to go in a different direction, there are sure to be people who will complain. This will undoubtedly happen for those who watch The Predator and expect it to be anything like the original 1987 film. Instead of trying to recreate the same atmo...

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REVIEW: Moana (2016)

“You are the future of our people, Moana. They are not out there; they are right here. It’s time to be who they need you to be.” 2016 was the first time since 2002 that Disney animation released two features in one year. I distinctly remember watching Zootopia and thinking, “Wow, there&#...

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REVIEW: Sierra Burgess is a Loser (2018)

Netflix should really be careful about what movies they greenlight. Continuing their series of romantic comedies in 2018 is Sierra Burgess is a Loser. The premise made me pause because I was scared that my immediate assumption about it would be correct: was this movie honestly going to tell me that...

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You Should Be Watching: Extraordinary Tales (2015)

“Sometimes I think the only thing that kept me from you was my beating heart. Welcome back to You Should Be Watching, where I recommend movies and TV series that deserve more recognition. This week we’re looking at Extraordinary Tales, an internationally produced anthology of Edgar Allan Poe ada...

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REVIEW: The Nun (2018)

Horror movies these days oftentimes rely too heavily on jump scares to tell their story effectively. Modern horror especially suffers from an oversaturation of these types of films. Back when The Conjuring came out, it became clear to a mainstream audience it was possible to mix in jump scares wit...

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REVIEW: Peppermint (2018)

After watching Peppermint, I made a new rule for myself: before getting excited for an upcoming action movie, I must close my eyes and remind myself it’s the current year (later years than this one won’t matter; let’s not pretend this problem will be getting better anytime soon). I...

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