Search Results for: marvel

REVIEW: WandaVision – Episode 9 “The Series Finale”

The MCU’s most inventive offering ends its limited run with the appropriately titled “The Series Finale,” and WandaVision’s wrap-up is more or less what you’d expect. It hits some story elements out of the park, but others are just a little bland, with certain ideas not fully explored or j...

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Next Spider-Man Movie Gets a Title

We finally know Spider-Man’s name. Yesterday, Sony revealed that the third Spider-Man movie set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be called Spider-Man: No Way Home. The announcement came in a video featuring Spidey actor Tom Holland and his two co-stars, Zendaya and Jacob Batalon, and declared...

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REVIEW: WandaVision – Episode 5 “On a Very Special Episode”

Well… that was something. “On a Very Special Episode” is aptly titled for several reasons, not the least of which is that it’s the best episode of WandaVision yet. Every element that makes the series so fascinating is present, and they’re all balanced perfectly. The sitcom sendup aspect is...

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Mystic Pizza and Mask Mandates

Last night, I had one of those evenings where a seemingly endless number of streaming subscriptions – coupled with my considerable collection of hard copies – ironically left me unable to decide what to watch. Before resigning myself to watching Friends until I fell asleep for the zillionth time...

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REVIEW: WandaVision – Episode 4 “We Interrupt This Program”

With “We Interrupt This Program,” WandaVision shows most of its cards, revealing much about why Scarlet Witch and Vision are trapped in a sitcom world, who the supporting characters in each episode are, and what the government is doing monitoring Westview. Some things strain credulity a bit, par...

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REVIEW: News of the World (2020)

I have a strange relationship with the Western genre. The Western had its day in the sun long before I was born. Even later favorites like Unforgiven and Silverado were slightly before my time. I haven’t seen many Westerns, and the ones I have are the obvious choices like The Magnificent Seven...

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