Search Results for: superman & lois "season 2"

REVIEW: Superman & Lois – Season 2, Episode 9 “30 Days and 30 Nights”

“30 Days and 30 Nights” is the episode without a Superman, and that it works so well affirms the strength of Superman & Lois’ supporting cast – especially Jon and Jordan, the Kent twins who are becoming almost as compelling as their legendary father. This isn’t a perfect episode – Lo...

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REVIEW: Superman & Lois – Season 2, Episode 8 “Into Oblivion”

While nothing spectacular happens, “Into Oblivion” is another strong episode, moving the plot and character arcs forward in unexpected ways. It also makes a good argument not just for Superman but for superhero stories in general. Clark struggles to deal with Jonathan’s drug use, and Lois wond...

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REVIEW: Superman & Lois Season 2, Episode 7 “Anti-Hero”

You wouldn’t guess from the title, but “Anti-Hero” is about family, specifically how devastating truths can be kept secret even in the tightest-knit ones. At the same time, those we trust the least may be the ones who come through for us when no one else can. All the plotlines move forward thi...

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REVIEW: Superman & Lois – Season 2, Episode 6 “Tried and True”

Superman & Lois has been dealing with trust this season, and “Tried and True” explores that theme through all the main characters who’ve been on one side or the other of betrayal lately. This is a relatively quiet and character-driven episode, but a tightly written one, with every plotline...

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REVIEW: Superman & Lois – Season 2, Episode 5 “Girl… You’ll Be a Woman Soon”

“Girl… You’ll Be a Woman Soon” is my favorite kind of episode. It uses what seems like a self-contained story to significantly advance the season’s main plot. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer was masterful at this.) Here, the centerpiece is Sarah’s quinceañera, an event that reveals secrets fr...

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REVIEW: Superman & Lois – Season 2, Episode 4 “The Inverse Method”

After a draggy and unfocused – or, more accurately, improperly focused – third episode, Superman & Lois quickly rights itself. “The Inverse Method” jumpstarts all of the various plot threads using a unifying theme that causes much more trouble than it solves and sets up a rocky road for ...

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