Search Results for: The Rings of Power

Whatever Gotham Needs Him to Be

Batman, like most comic characters, has gone through many different phases and versions over his seventy-seven-year history, from dark avenger to silly goofball to a sort of swashbuckling adventurer, with many different shades mixed in. His cinematic exploits have followed suit, portraying him alter...

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REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 1

Jessica Jones, the second of Marvel’s Netflix series to explore the darker street-level corridors of the MCU, is a surprisingly adult-themed endeavor, using the gritty world established in Daredevil as a springboard to tell a story of victimization and how different people survive it in different ...

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REVIEW: Ant-Man (2015)

With Ant-Man, Marvel can place one more check in the win column. They’ve made another fun superhero adventure with a beating heart and a pair of heroes that it’s easy to root for. The film stumbles here and there, and it isn’t one of the better Marvel movies, but it’s still a total blast of ...

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Pulling Pistols and Whistling Dixie

Clint Eastwood is one of the great modern filmmakers, a man whose directing talents have landed him many Oscar nominations and widespread critical acclaim. Those accolades don’t usually extend to his work in front of the camera, however; it may be the parts he often played in his younger days, the...

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A Little Old-Fashioned

*Author’s Note: This piece was written before I saw Avengers: Age Of Ultron and, as a result, doesn’t discuss Captain America’s latest MCU appearance. I find that the movie validates my thesis here, though.* During the World War II era, Captain America made a lot of sense. In a tim...

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