Search Results for: gen v season 1 review

REVIEW: Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure – Season 2, Episodes 15 and 16, “Rapunzel: Day One” and “Mirror, Mirror”

This week on Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure, Cassandra furiously practices swordplay with her left hand. Explaining to Lance that she can’t afford to take a break if she wants to be at her best, it’s apparent that she’s angry with Rapunzel for the incident at the Great Tree. Eu...

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REVIEW: Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure – Season 2, Episode 15, “The Brothers Hook”

*SPOILERS* In “The Brothers Hook,” Cassandra is about to shoot an apple off of Hookfoot’s head when Eugene takes it. Cass remarks that it’s their last apple, prompting a fight over the apple amongst the gang. Meanwhile, Rapunzel finds a poster advertising a piano concert by Hookhand,...

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REVIEW: Arrow – Season 7, Episode 17 “Inheritance”

*SPOILERS* You can’t pick your family. That’s how the old adage goes anyways. After this week’s episode of Arrow, “Inheritance,” Oliver may be wishing that phrase didn’t always ring true, as it’s revealed that not only is his half-sister Emiko working with Dante, but even wilder an...

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REVIEW: Dumbo (2019)

This weekend saw Disney’s most recent live-action remake of one of their animated classics, this time 1941’s Dumbo. Personally, I have mixed feelings on Disney’s trend of remaking their movies because the results have been mixed in terms of quality and creativity. 2015’s Cinderella is my fav...

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REVIEW: Princess Mononoke (1997)

Growing up, I wasn’t exposed to anime like some people my age were. During my formative years, we only had cable during football season, and I watched a lot of PBS. I knew that Pokémon and Dragon Ball Z were things that existed, but that was about the extent of my knowledge. I only say … <...

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REVIEW: Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure – Season 2, Episode 14, “Rapunzel and the Great Tree”

*SPOILERS* “Rapunzel and the Great Tree” starts off with a flashback to the dying king introduced at the beginning of “Beyond the Corona Walls.” Adira and Quirin bicker over whether to locate the Sundrop and use its power to combat the spread of the rocks when a mysterious third figure state...

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