Search Results for: stranger things review

REVIEW: The Bad Batch – Season 1, Episode 3, “Replacements”

The Bad Batch is off to a great start with the episodes “Aftermath” and “Cut and Run.” With today’s third episode, “Replacements,” Omega takes a more active role within the Batch as Imperial progress marches ever forward. After last week’s slower, char...

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REVIEW: Monster Hunter Rise (2021)

It’s no well-kept secret that many of gaming’s biggest franchises have come out of Japan. From Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda to Pokémon and Resident Evil, video game hits and Japanese developers have become concomitant, and it’s well-earned. But some franchises take longer to build up s...

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REVIEW: The Flash – Season 7, Episode 6 “The One with the Nineties”

I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but “The One with the Nineties” is another okay episode of The Flash. What stings is, it should have been great, and parts of it are fun and inspired. There’s even a genuinely touching moment centering on a character I don’t particularly like. Bu...

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REVIEW: WandaVision – Episode 4 “We Interrupt This Program”

With “We Interrupt This Program,” WandaVision shows most of its cards, revealing much about why Scarlet Witch and Vision are trapped in a sitcom world, who the supporting characters in each episode are, and what the government is doing monitoring Westview. Some things strain credulity a bit, par...

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REVIEW: Over the Moon (2020)

A lot of Netflix’s original content doesn’t appeal to me. Or, maybe I should say that their shows and movies that they actually bother promoting don’t appeal to me. Occasionally I’ve found a hidden gem on the service, usually due to enthusiastic recommendations from friends or the presence o...

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REVIEW: The Clone Wars – Season 7, Episode 7, “Dangerous Debt”

*SPOILER* “Dangerous Debt” finds Ahsoka and the Martez sisters in prison on Obidiah. Raffa grows tired of Ahsoka’s morality and tells her that when Ziro escaped from jail, the Jedi accidentally pushed a crashing ship into their family home, killing their parents. The Pykes take Raffa for quest...

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