REVIEW: Snow White (2025)

While I love the classic animated Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, I was never excited for Disney’s live-action Snow White remake. I am beyond done with these things; this is a movie that never should have been remade, and nothing they’ve said about or shown from it has been the least bit encouraging. Rachel Zegler is an excellent singer, and I don’t have any problem with the acting I’ve seen from her, but I like her less every time she speaks publicly about almost anything. I actually like Gal Gadot, but I never thought she could pull off the role of the Queen. Disrespectful talk surrounding the original movie, awful marketing, and the creepy CGI dwarfs just piled on to make this film look worse and worse. How did it end up? Is Snow White as bad as it looks, or a surprise gem? Let’s take a look. 

Snow White

This movie has an extended opening with Snow White’s parents, who teach her fairness and raise her to be fearless, fair, brave, and true. Did you see 2015’s Cinderella? Think of Cinderella’s childhood but with a bad, extended musical number and less charming actors playing the doomed parents. The way Snow White’s father leaves is even reminiscent of Cinderella’s. I know fairy tales and their respective movies often bear striking similarities, but this movie was made by the same company, and only ten years ago. It was also made by a vastly superior director (no offense. Marc Webb, but Kenneth Branagh is just a legend) and with far more care for the story and characters. But I digress; Snow White is forced to be a servant in her own castle as her stepmom oppresses everyone, hoarding all the Kingdom’s potatoes and diamonds. Things are more or less okay for Snow White until the Magic Mirror tells the Queen that Snow White is fairer than her, But don’t worry; even the Mirror can see how hot Gal Gadot is. It specifies that Snow White is fairer in a social sense, not in terms of physical beauty. Snow White picks apples in the forest with the Queen’s Huntsman (Ansu Kabia) when he tries to kill her. Like in the animated movie, he feels bad for Snow and orders her to run away and avoid the Queen. In the forest, she makes friends with a band of thieves and the seven dwarfs. Together, can they overthrow the wicked Queen? 

Snow White

I won’t exaggerate and say this movie doesn’t have any redeeming qualities, but they are few and far between. One of the first things I didn’t care for was the drawn-out opening scene. The song isn’t good, and this will be a theme with the new songs by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul. You may know their work from Dear Evan Hansen, The Greatest Showman, or Smash. Again, I don’t want to lie and say they’re not talented, or I hate all of their stuff, but much like in The Greatest Showman, their songs don’t suit the setting at all. This music is very modern and exceedingly generic, especially Snow White’s “I Want Song” and this opening number. I also particularly disliked the lyrics added to existing songs like “Whistle While You Work.” This scene stirred up controversy when, in the trailers, Snow White instructed the dwarfs to clean their house rather than doing it herself. So far, this has been a sticking point among my few interactions about the movie since seeing it. Some people feel this was a necessary change to suit the times we live in and avoid depicting sexism. I find this perplexing, dismissive, and indicative of the entitlement so many people of all genders and walks of life embody. Snow White wasn’t made to clean the cottage by the dwarfs or anyone else, and it wasn’t because of sexism. It was a selfless act of service to thank them for letting her live rent-free(!!) in her house. They kept her safe, warm, and fed while the Queen hunted for her. Isn’t that the biggest favor you can do someone, and worthy of a little something in return? Not because it’s expected and not because you’re a woman, but because it’s the kind and decent thing to do. 

Snow White

Snow White 2025 is a mixture of Disney’s greatest hits similar to 2023’s Wish, although here, it’s only fairy tale princess movies. The boyfriend (who I keep trying to call a Prince; he is not in this version) is just Flynn Rider from Tangled without much of the charm. And he certainly doesn’t have Flynn/Rapunzel’s chemistry with Zegler. The animals and storybook opening gave me heavy Enchanted vibes. I know many of the animated classics had storybooks and cute animals; that’s why they’re in Enchanted and why they’re here. But Enchanted was a fun, funny parody that understood Disney tropes and still loved them. This is a hot mess, and both the book and the critters directly resemble the ones in Enchanted. Snow White’s whole family and motivation are burgled from 2015’s Cinderella, but none of the care and authenticity that was put into that film exists here. You know this, but I absolutely adore that movie, so it has to be said again here. Any of these Disney movies, or the OG Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, would serve you better than this movie. 

Snow White

This movie is bad. I don’t think it’s as horrifyingly awful as some are saying, but it reeks of entitlement. Rachel Zegler came off as entitled in much of her press and marketing for this movie, but I didn’t think the character would be this way. This Princess pays lip service to fairness and kindness, but she sings about “the girl (she’s) meant to be” and what a schlub her new boyfriend is. The new music isn’t good and doesn’t hold up to the stuff from the animated movie. The acting ranges from bad to pretty good, but it’s not good enough of the time to justify some of the decisions made. At the end of the day, this was made to make money. That’s it. And it isn’t even succeeding there, so maybe Disney will finally learn. Probably not, but what can I say? I have hope.

Let us know what you thought of Snow White in the comments!


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Snow White (2025)

Plot - 4
Acting - 6
Directing/Editing - 4
Music/Sound - 3
Fairy Tale Magic - 0



Snow White has lousy music, subpar acting, and a muddled plot ripped off from much better movies, with an entitled heroine at the center.

Comments (1)

March 25, 2025 at 2:25 am

I would never watch this. Rachel can sing but so what? It’s not that impressive when a person has been on a program to produce that their whole life. The shameful thing is that she peddles feminism and modernism and ruined a wholesome character long before the movie came out.

Also, the real intention of this whole thing was just the occupation and race swap of characters in the story. It might not have stood out as much if they weren’t putting psyop tropes in it, but the reason for casting her is that the social engineers want the prototype American girl to be brown now. That’s all it has to do with. People don’t want to face the Kalergi Plan and the intended replacement and can’t accept that the entire western world has been targeted for their race and phenotype.

I’ve already read about this intention. I actually like Laurie Hernandez and she, unlike Rachel, seemed classy to me, but a book I read said that this was the intention behind her rise. That the occupiers of our country wanted the new American girl type to be brown. It was race specific and this is what Blackrock wants. No one talks about it because they’ve been conditioned their entire lives to be silent or moral, but why?

Finally, the scene online about them all shucking and jiving while wearing white may as well be dancing on Walt’s grave. That’s how it comes off as they are celebrating the deconstruction of these stories and characters. It is mean-spirited and something that I’ve seen before, at least 15 years ago. Still, westerners are in denial and refuse to face this. They have no response for the targeting of their genomes by the globalists.

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