RUMOR: Wolverine to Wear Comics Costume in Deadpool 3

If a new rumor is true, Wolverine’s return will bring a dash of his comic book history with him. Scooping account CanWeGetSomeToast posted about Deadpool 3 on Instagram, and they claim that Wolverine will be wearing his classic blue and yellow costume from the comics in the film. They say the movie costume will be “VERY similar to his comic suit from the 2003 run of Astonishing X-Men by Whedon and Cassaday… but with long sleeves.” Wolverine began his comics career in The Incredible Hulk #180 as a nemesis for the Hulk before he eventually found his way to the X-Men in Giant-Size X-Men #1 a year later; his first appearance featured the blue and yellow suit, albeit with whiskers that have since been discarded and much smaller flaps above his eyes. You can see a picture of Wolverine from the Astonishing X-Men run to which CanWeGetSomeToast refers below:

Wolverine costume

This version of the suit is pretty much the classic Wolverine costume, although the flaps are smaller than they usually are – which is actually closer to his first appearance in The Incredible Hulk, though still bigger and more distinctive like his slight X-Men redesign. (Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men run is great, by the way, even if he did make Ray Fisher cry almost fifteen years later.) I’m very happy about this; Wolverine’s comic book costume is iconic, visually striking and exuding the comic book fantasy feel while still being menacing. I’m not sure I like adding the sleeves, though; the bare arms make Wolverine look more animalistic, manly, and ready to kick ass and smoke cigars. Nevertheless, I like that they’re finally debuting the comic book costume, and I’m eager to see it in live-action, even if I’d prefer the longer flaps. I’m glad Hugh Jackman will be the one to wear it first; the man has more than earned the honor. I wonder if the brown costume will show up as well; I like that one too.

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