Sean Gunn Will Play Maxwell Lord in DCU

James Gunn, as expected, is keeping it in the family with some of his DC casting. Deadline exclusively reports that Gunn has chosen his brother, Sean Gunn, to play Maxwell Lord, a DC villain who, according to the piece, will be mentioned in Superman: Legacy and appear in future DC films. Sean Gunn has appeared in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies as Kraglin, a member of Yondu’s pirate group, the Ravagers, before joining the Guardians. He was also in The Suicide Squad as Weasel. Maxwell Lord was one of the main villains in Wonder Woman 1984, where he was portrayed by Pedro Pascal.

It was a given that Sean Gunn would turn up in the DCU sooner or later. And it’s not necessarily a bad thing; I liked him as Kraglin, especially as the Guardians films went along and his character was fleshed out and developed. I don’t see him as Maxwell Lord, but then, I didn’t see Pedro Pascal as Lord either, and he… okay, bad example. But I don’t have strong feelings about this casting. Looking at his filmography, Sean Gunn has been in some things I’ve seen outside of productions involving his brother, but either I don’t remember his roles in them, or he was playing very different characters from Maxwell Lord. He was in two episodes of Angel, for example, one as a peaceful demon and one as a sort of hippie guy who ran a spa for female demons; neither screams Maxwell Lord. But that doesn’t mean he won’t be good, and in the realm of characters to potentially screw up in the name of nepotism, I’d rather it be Maxwell Lord than someone more important.

Comments (2)

December 9, 2023 at 2:58 pm

I am really hoping Gunn’s DCU will be good. Just really dying for good quality DC movies. Is it weird I much prefer Keaton Batman movie to Pattinson?

    December 10, 2023 at 7:07 pm

    Not at all. I don’t like the Pattinson movie, and I don’t like him as Batman.

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