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  • #225319

    Well death is represented in every castlevania I think. It makes sense if he’s the catalyst for all the events throughout the Castlevania saga.

    Another cool thing they can do is have the offspring of Dracula go against the offspring of the Belmonts.


    This is the final season for the three.


    They are suppose to make a spinoff story for the future of Castlevania. I hope they do Simon’s story for this spinoff. Simon is by far the most popular Belmont because he was the original.

    I don’t know how they will do the Dracula side of things. Maybe Death comes back every 100 years, and kills Dracula’s wife to start the bullshit off again.


    As tempting as it would be (I have an endless list when it comes to things I would change), I wouldn’t do anything. Changing one thing may not make something better and might in fact lead to worse things. I could erase a tragic event in my life and might end being a loser because of it or saving somebody’s life could end the lives of others. Time is not something I want to mess with.

    But for the sake of this topic:

    1) Show Sony the consequences of moving their company to California so that the company doesn’t suffer from being woke.
    2) Convince Japan to limit foreigners from entering Japan (I’m talking about Leftists who are trying to infect Japanese culture).
    3) Get Warren Ellis fired. For those in the dark, he and his group (if I’m not mistaken, it’s the same group that also has his sexual allegations as well) are the ones responsible for starting the woke virus in comics and also putting gigantic shit stains on Castlevania with that awful show. I gotta find the source of that info since it’s been years.

    4) Prevent the existence of NeoGAF’s worst users (who later founded ResetEra).

    I’ll stop right here because I’m starting to think like a time-travel villain.


    In reply to: Castlevania

    I’m an old timer so my favorite will always be the first game. Being an Indiana Jones fan I was immediately drawn to the game because it was one of the few games on the market at the time that the hero actually used a bullwhip as his main weapon. Hell, I think it was the ONLY game out that had the character using a whip. Of course there’s the old Atari Raiders game but I prefer not to think about that. LOL

    Anyway, I played the shit out of Castlevania. I loved Simon’s Quest and Dracula’s Curse too. Symphony was also a lot of fun and I loved the RPG elements of that game. I played a few of the portable ones but just couldn’t get into them. Super Castlevania was “Ok”……best part of that game was the ability to use your whip to swing. LOL

    After those games I’ve lost track and never really got into the new stuff. I’d love for them to reboot the series and maybe turn it into an open world type of game and explore a big map. Think Grand Theft Auto or Red Dead Undead Nightmare. I think that would be really fun. :)


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by RaiderJones.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by RaiderJones.

    honestly, I really don’t watch too much shit as it is.

    One of my first games I beat was Castlevania 1 on the nes.


    Topic: Castlevania season 4

    in forum Anime

    First off, I love this season. To me, this might be the best season because it felt like the story came straight from the game.

    Was there some wokeness? Sadly, yes it was, but if you can fight through the “check marks”, then you get the urge to play SOTN after the finale.

    I wanna talk about the possibilities going forward.



    In reply to: Castlevania


      Symphony of the Night is one of my favorite games ever. Lords of Shadow was an interesting trilogy. The last one was odd, though.

      Bloodstained, the spiritual successor, is pretty fantastic too. I made some trophy guides for a few of these over on, for Bloodstained and Castlevania Anniversary Collection. Don’t tell I sent you though, I hate those people right now lol.


      In reply to: Castlevania

      My favorites are Super Castlevania IV, Rondo of Blood, and Symphony of the Night.

      By the way, I find Lords of Shadow games very underrated.


      In reply to: Castlevania


        I have so many Castlevania games physically and digitally

        CastlevaniaCastlevania The Dracula X ChroniclesCastlevania Lords of Shadow 1Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2CastlevaniaCastlevania JudgmentCastlevania 1Castlevania 2 Legacy of DarknessCastlevania 1 Dawn of SorrowCastlevania 2 Portrait of RuinCastlevania 3 Order of EcclesiaCastlevania Circle of the MoonCastlevania Double PackCastlevania I The AdventureCastlevania II Belmont's RevengeCastlevania Legends

        Digitally I have the Castlevania Anniversary Collection on Switch of course, Castlevania Chronicles as PS1 Classic on PS3, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD on PS3 and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on Xbox 360.




        Just finished watching season 4 of Castlevania on Netflix. Thought I would give my thoughts and opinions on this show.

        The show is quite good. Thought they did a fantastic job with the main cast of characters: Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, Alucard and Dracula.

        Trevor is the last surviving member of the Belmont family. He is brash, flippant and is lacking in ambition. Content to drink his days away. I thought he was a good character and had a good arc. I enjoyed his fighting style especially later when he acquires more weapons. And his final fight was indeed epic.

        Sypha is a speaker magician. She records history and is powerful in using ice and fire magic. I liked Sypha well enough and thought they did a good job with her character. In fact, this is how you do female representation right. One of my pet peeves in entertainment is the trend of pretending that woman are equal to men in fighting ability. In Castlevania, Sypha is powerful. But she doesn’t beat up and throw around 250 pound men and destroy giant horrific monsters with her fighting ability. No, instead she uses magic. And it works.

        Alucard is half-vampire half-human. The son of Dracula. Amazing character but I think they should have made him even more powerful. Alucard fights Dracula to a stand-still yet has some trouble fighting monsters that even a headwomen of a village can easily dispatch (I’ll get to her later). I would’ve like to see more of a Dr. Manhatten vibe from him where he is closer to a god than a human.

        Dracula is portrayed excellently in this show. His revenge on the world of humans in season 1 was legendary. Very important for a show like this to have an iconic antagonist and Dracula surely fits the bill.

        As for the side characters, I like both the forgemasters Isaac and Hector. Isaac is one of the few cases where woke casting actually works. In the original game Isaac is white but they turned him into a Muslim character in this animated series. Still, Isaac was an intriguing character and I think they did him justice.

        Carmilla and her vampire sisters. I wasn’t a huge fan of these characters. Carmilla was a decent antagonist as a man hating feminist vampire but their crew got tiresome after awhile. I did enjoy Hector and Lenore’s relationship though. Though I think they way Lenore’s arc ended was completely out of character and kind of ruined her arc for me.

        Saint Germain was an amazing side character. He is mysterious and has a charming personality. Loved his arc.

        The vampire antagonist Varney was annoying and throughout the season I started to wonder if he was part of woke casting as well. I was thinking how could such an annoying pussy be a part of Dracula’s inner circle. But it all made sense in the end. Good character.

        Overall it was a great show. But I have some trepidation about the show going forward as season 4 had alot of unnecessary woke casting. Particularly Greta and the shaved head black girl who is the leader of the royal guard… Greta is a black or mixed race headswoman of the closest village to Alucard’s castle. She asks for Alucard’s help and when he comes to save the day she is ungrateful. She is the annoying woke woman character trope we’ve seen so much over the years. Always trying to banter with Alucard but it always comes off as cringeworthy. They also made her an unbelievable fighter. She must kill at least 15+ demons in the show that even the main characters have a hard time dealing with. It’s ridiculous.

        As for the shaved head black girl stereotype who is the leader of the Royal guard. She is equally unbelievable and made me suspend my disbelief watching the show. Also, her heroic martyr scene wasn’t played well. I never felt any emotion upon her death when I should have. Basically the scene is Trevor is fighting off demons to protect villagers and out of nowhere 2 PoC villages come out of nowhere to stand in front of Trevor and save him from a death dealing blow, dying in the process. This scene could have been played alot better by showing these villagers watching from the sidelines in fear and reverence of Trevor and then they shield Trevor in that decisive moment. Instead they come out of nowhere and it lacks that emotional payoff. Then the shaved head girl sacrifices herself to save Trevor as well but this also lacks any emotional payoff. Alot of wasted potential here.

        Another pet peeve is the insistence in season 4 to make all the villages mixed race. It’s almost as if it’s not allowed to have all white casts in media even if it’s set in medieval Europe. This also made me suspend my disbelief. To have a village of about 10-15 houses being half white and half black made me start to think in the middle of watching it: Do these villages segregate and only have sex with the same race as them? Shouldn’t they all be mixed race if there are black and whites in the same village? It’s just stupid and only put in to virtue signal. One more pet peeve is portraying all the white farmers as idiotic inbred goat fuckers. That was a little much. Last pet peeve is that it seems like every village has a female leader. Even after Carmilla rants about how every town is ruled by an old man. Once Trevor and Sypha show up it’s always a female in charge. Pretty dumb…

        So, all in all the show was good. But with the woke casting of season 4 I’m a little worried for future expansions of the show.

        • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Gadfly360.

        ??? Invincible isn’t anime

        If it’s animated, it’s anime. This is Western Anime like Castlevania or DOTA Dragon’s Blood. Just because it’s not Japanese Anime doesn’t mean it isn’t anime. These are not products one would call cartoons like the garbage they show on Cartoon Network of Nickelodeon now. They deal with the same adult content and subject matter that Japanese Anime does.


        Gangsta is underrated and good Seven deadly sins, Castlevania the animated series Mobile suit gundam Iron blooded orphans


        I always liked soundtrack for The King of Fighters series and Castlevania. So glad it’s featured in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Recently, I’ve been getting into Touhou Project. I may not have played any game yet but the music and it’s endless remixes is a gold mine.


        10. Donkey Kong Country 2
        9. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
        8. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
        7. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
        6. Resident Evil 4
        5. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
        4. Chrono Trigger
        3. Super Metroid
        2. Metroid Prime
        1. Duke Nukem 3D (including mods and user maps)

        I’d really like to see another game make it into my top 10. Smash Ultimate only made it in because it has a bigger roster than Melee and lacks the disappointment in Brawl. I guess there’s Doom/Doom II with mods and it does have one of the best gaming communities ever and even holds their own Grammies (the Cacowards) at the end of every year.


        What are your top 10 favorite games guys? I admit, I wouldn’t be suprised if this topic was created before… but I love top 10s. So what are your top 10 fave gamse? Mine are;

        10. Skyrim

        9. Knights of the Old Republic

        8. Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade

        7. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

        6. Super Castlevania IV/ Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

        5. Final Fantasy VI (originally III in the USA)

        4. Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future

        3. Donkey Kong Country trilogy

        2. God of War series (all of them; last one was best but amazing series as a whole)

        1. The Witcher trilogy


        And there are lots of other games I love which is why it was hard to list to compose.

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