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  • #173929

    Castlevania. Just the entire series. Lots of classic style rock that feels right at home with some of the best bands.


    In reply to: Best Cartoon Shows


    Batman Animated Series

    Red & Stimpy

    All the DC and Marvel animated movies (many are better than the theatrical movies imo)

    The Clone Wars and Rebels

    Castlevania (Netflix series)

    80’s GI Joe

    80’s Transformers

    80’s He-Man

    Watership Down (movie)

    Rock N Rule (movie)

    Heavy Metal (movie)

    Wizards (movie)

    Fire & Ice (movie)

    All the old Loony Tunes, not the new garbage


      Zero – I never really got into the Mega Man Zero series, but Zero from the Mega Man X series is one of the coolest bad asses of all time. Samurai, cyber punk, humanoid robot, anti hero, with a light saber and stylish hair. I love his design and love his story. The idea that what should have been X’s greatest enemy ends up being his greatest ally is pretty cool. Zero has a cool legacy for anyone familiar with all of the classic Mega Man games. Zero is Wily’s final and ultimate creation, the one that finally made him Dr. Light’s equal.

      Sly Cooper – Gentlemen Thief Extraordinaire, Sly is just a fun, cool, character who can do it all. Charming, witty, skillful, good with the ladies, loyal to his friends, honorable, and a fighter when necessary. All of the characters from the Sly series are great really. The characters are the beating heart of the series.

      Batman – I mean, I know he’s really a comic book character, but at this point Batman has made his presence known in every form of media there is.

      Fox McCloud – I didn’t realize just how much I missed Fox until I played Starlink on the Switch. His presence added so much to that game. Great character.

      Sonic the Hedgehog – The coolest mascot character in the platform genre, happy to see that the movie made him relevant again.

      Various characters from Castlevania – The series is full of great characters and it’s fun seeing some of them in the Netflix series

      Ninjas – There’s a lot of them I like from various games, like Ryu Hyabusa or Rikimaru or the nameless one from Mark of the Ninja


        I have to preface by saying I’m an incredibly picky person when it comes to the stuff I read/watch.

        I hate all gender/race swaps by default, be it a legacy character or an adaptation.

        Not because the character is bad, but because it’s inherently lazy and uncreative to me, because more often than not, there’s no real reason for the change beyond ‘diversity’ and the character’s story is boring.

        I despise gender swaps, because being a woman myself, having to replace a male character with a woman just tells me you don’t trust a female character to be popular without a male character’s popularity/franchise to boost her up. Same thing with race swaps tbh.

        There are some exceptions where I like race swapped character, but those are very rare. The only ones I can think of are Nick Fury from the MCU, Aquaman from the DCEU and Isaac from the Castlevania Neftlix show.

        I don’t care much for the ‘well their race/gender isn’t a relevant part of their story’ argument, because that doesn’t matter. Those characters were created a certain way, KEEP it that way, don’t change it just because ‘diversity’, at least give me an ACTUAL reason why you can’t work with the original character. Because that just tells me you’re a lazy creator and I shouldn’t waste my time with you.

        If you want more diversity, make new and interesting characters with fresh stories. I do it all the time (humble brag) and it’s really not that freaking hard. I love creating characters and giving them stories, so when I see characters I love being race/gender swapped for no good reason, it drives me nuts.


        In reply to: Sega Genesis


          Yeah, it was pretty awesome how back then both consoles would get different versions of the same game, like Aladdin or The Adventures of Batman and Robin. Same names, but totally different games depending on which system you bought it for. I also love how Konami made their franchises completely different by console. Contra Hard Corps is a very different Contra game when compared to Contra III, same goes for Castlevania Bloodlines when compared to Super Castlevania IV. It really mattered in terms of software which console you owned back then. Heck, Neo Geo had a bunch of games you couldn’t play on any other console.


          In reply to: PSVR


            I’m not saying I want traditional gaming to go away. I just think VR is where devs can do things that haven’t been done before. And console technology hasn’t really made that possible since the dawning of 3d games on PS1 and N64. Since then, the only real advances have been in graphics…until VR came along. That being said, even when I was enjoying 3d games on PS1 like Tomb Raider, I was still enjoying 2d games like Mega Man X4 and Castlevania Symphony of the Night. So I definitely am not saying that I want to see traditional games go away just because there’s an awesome new technology that devs can play with. I just meant that any meaningful advances in the way we experience games now are probably going to be in VR. I mean, Astrobot feels like no other platformer I’ve played before. It’s obviously got Mario influences but it does things with VR that make it feel like something new

            We see movies and TV shows that show pure virtual reality that is just like real life in things like Star Trek with their holo decks. We are probably a looooooooooooooooooong way from seeing that type of technology in real life, but things like PSVR and the Oculus Rift are the first steps


            In reply to: Sega Genesis


              The Sonic games, Shinobi 3, Earthworm Jim, NBA Jam T.E., Castlevania Bloodlines


              In reply to: Super Nintendo


                Great system, only downside being the battery back up saves. It makes playing some of those old games now a pain since a lot of those batteries may have died out. It took the following console gen to grace us with memory cards

                I love the Game Boy Advance because it’s like a portable SNES successor.

                Some of my fave SNES games:

                Mega Man X 1-3

                DKC 1 and 2

                Final Fantasy III

                Zelda Link to the Past

                The Ninja Warriors


                Super Punch Out

                The Adventures of Batman and Robin

                Super Castlevania IV


                I haven’t bought as many as I’d like, but I was wondering if anyone else enjoys collecting them. I’ll share a pic of what all I have when I get home, but feel free to share yours too!

                I think my favorites that I own are the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack, next to the Castlevania soundtrack.


                In reply to: Best mini console?

                SNES mini gets my vote. I had issues with some games like Chrono Trigger not making the list, but they included expensive RPGs like EarthBound. Final Fantasy 6, Secret of Mana, and Mario RPG also add a ton of overall playtime to the package. Plus, Star Fox 2! A game we never got to see in a series that I think is pretty underrated. I’m also mostly a Nintendo fanboy. :D

                I really do like the Genesis mini. I don’t play RPGs as much now so the lineup of games like Darius, Thunder Force III, and Super Fantasy Zone is more my speed. Plus, Castlevania: Blood Lines and Contra: Hard Corps need some more love. Then they have 3 of my most nostalgic games ever: Earthworm Jim, Road Rash II and Sonic Spinball!

                • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by RainDasher.

                Ecco The Dolphin soundtrack and Super Castlevania IV for SNES soundtracks are great.


                I thought the NES has a pretty good horror game lineup.

                We had Castlevania 1-3. Those games were all about Dracula and his hoard of undead. The castles and surrounding areas were pretty spooky for me when I was younger. I really loved the lore behind these games. I learned about Werewolves, Medusa, and the Grim Reaper thanks to these games. I even loved Simon’s Quest because it has towns and felt like an open world Castlevania.

                Then we had Ghosts ‘n Goblins. The most brutal game I have ever played. This was scary because of the unrelenting difficulty. I love this game more now than when I was little, but I still have trouble with it. I make it a point to play this every October. It has the best spooky soundtrack and atmosphere. This game is iconic and the fact that it spawned the series Gargoyle’s Quest is an added bonus. Gargoyle’s Quest 2 is still one of my favorite NES games.

                Another great, spooky game was Maniac Mansion. It was a fun little point and click game with amazing soundtrack. I finally beat this game a few years ago. It still holds up. This is more humorous than scary, but the humor has a dark edge to it. I mean, the player can blow up a hamster in a microwave! That’s pretty rad. The variety of characters is what makes the game unique. Characters that die remain gone for the rest of the game, or if they get captured and you do not save them from the dungeon. I think this game needs a little more love.

                Finally, we have Sweet Home. The game that inspired Resident Evil. A group lost in a mansion, running from monsters, solving puzzles, using key items like a lighter. That sounds familiar. :D Love this one. It plays like an adventure RPG, but manages to nail the atmosphere. I have not beat it, but maybe I’ll revisit it one day.


                  That would be Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon on the N64, I own it in PAL english and japanese, in the west all voice acting except the singing was removed. It was my 1st Goemon game and it made me a big fan, nowadays I own almost every Goemon game (I’m only missing a port of the arcade game, the GBA ports of Goemon 1&2 and the GBA version of Shin Goemon), most as japanese import. I wish for Konami to release a Goemon collection in japan like the Contra and Castlevania Collections.

                  Mystical Ninja 1 Starring Goemon

                  Ganbare Goemon 1 Neo Momoyama Bakufu no Odori


                  We need some love for the OG of Nintendo consoles.

                  Home of Mario 1-3, Castlevania 1-3, Zelda 1 and 2, Metroid, Contra and Super C, and the Adventure Island series!

                  • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by RainDasher.
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