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  • #314305

    Topic: Cabrini

    in forum Movies

    The critics are right on this one. This was not a faith film. It was a biopic made to appeal to everyone.
    It was basically “She Persisted: The Movie.”

    She was definitely a strong and smart woman. There was a bit of Tombstone/Don Holiday in her, as she had post-TB symptoms and some kind of lung issue, but she lasted longer than the doctors predicted. The critics of this movie are annoyed with the lack of praying and the lack of pleading for a miracle on her part.
    Alan said this was a period piece and that is important to keep in mind, because she is the Patron Saint of Immigrants, but the situation was much different back then. This was in about 1895, so they did not have electricity yet in most parts. It was still in the time of horse and carriage. The movie was shot incredibly well, so be on the lookout for Alejandro Monteverde. He had some amazing shots under water and there was an element of Opera and Rome in the movie.

    Andrea Bocelli’s daughter sings in the choir in one scene.

    I agree with the 3 star rating.

    The movie kept referring to her as “ambitious” and she said in the movie that she wanted to build an “Empire of Hope” consisting of orphanages, hospitals, and schools. The movie emphasizes the appraisal of the real estate properties that she started to acquire. She was so successful at one orphanage, that they threw a hospital at her to save that was going bankrupt because she was so effective. Will say that the nuns impressed me so much.
    In the film, the other nuns were basically NPCs, but to have such a large staff of women faithfully devoted to serving, it shows the power of having a team and crew of women like that. They are such good teachers and nurses and instructors. I actually know a very high powered female executive who was raised in one of these orphanages in Greece, who went from total poverty to a top globalist construction firm that builds infrastructure all over the world.

    Cristiana Dell’Anna, who played the lead role, is new to me and the performance was completely solid with the exception of one crying scene, her performance was perfect. Again, Director Alejandro has chops and a lot of the scenes look like paintings right out of a chapel. John Lithgow and David Morse delivered. Film Threat did an interview with producer Jonathan Sanger, who was very lucid still, and worked on Elephant Man in the past and had a very good working relationship with Mel Brooks.

    I am grateful to Angel Studios for this movie, but it did come off as feminist and made her out to be an ambitious entrepreneur and, at the end, we find out that her global holdings put her up there with the Vanderbilts and Rockefellers. That statement kind of diminished her in my opinion because I thought what is wrong with hospitals, orphanages and schools? It makes it seem like she had had ulterior motives and I don’t think so, but one other point the movie made was that she had her own order that was made up entirely of women. What they accomplished together is really impressive.



      I am going to respond to some of your statements.  I very much respect your opinion, you only post thoughtful things, and I am just furthering the conversation and not at all criticizing you.

      The indoctrination camps know as the school system, “modern” culture, and our broken mental health/medical system is to “blame”.

      Sending your kids, especially young ones, to daycare is one of the worst things a parent can do.  I have friends who send their babies to daycare.  I have argued with them about that because a mother not spending the first handful of years with her child harms the child immensely and the mother/father as well.

      Lobbing your child over a fence at school everyday and utilizing it as a daycare only is the very same problem

      What’s the root cause there?  Is it the school?  No.  Is it the daycare?  No.  It is poor decisions and lack of attention by parents.  Often times this is because of being self centered.  And often it is because the world tells you to prioritize yourself and your career and so on.

      This leads us to mental health.  The highest priority concern should not be, how will we treat all these mentally ill people.  The most critical concern should be, WHY are there so many mentally ill people?

      Yes, when you jugular is cut open the blood going everywhere is a concern.  But mopping up the blood before you close the wound is you chasing your tail and bleeding out before you get to close the wound.

      I firmly believe there are more mental issues now.  But it’s not as many as one might think in my opinion. Being sad, or even very sad is not depression.  Depression is a clinical diagnosis that is relatively rare.  In spite of  what the pharmaceutical tells you, negative feels typically don’t require a diagnosis or a pill. But there are 5 pills for every emotion outside of sheer euphoria and countless doctors willing to give them to you.

      Many people are sad or feel negative because they should.  If your life has gone sideways, or someone you love passed or you just cannot seem to get ahead, you are supposed to feel crappy.  And the whole thing of everyone having this or that or 3 things is also over pronounced.  People will say, well I am not normal.  Well no one is.  We all have quirks, issues and things to work on.  Every little thing does not need a therapist or a pill.  A good friend of mine sends his son (under 10) to a therapist.  I asked him why did he have an issue?  He said no it’s just good to do in case so he can talk to someone. I love my friend but that seems insane to me.

      I assert here that the primary reasons for mental health problems these days are the terrible man made foods (and the chemicals within) and nihilism. If you walk through life believing in nothing beyond yourself assuming that nothing really means anything why would you not harm others if you felt like it?  It does not mean anything right?  Your only barrier at that point is not wanting to be incarcerated and often now that does not even happen for long.  I firmly believe that  nihilism eventually leads to hopelessness.  And at that point everyone in that frame of mind is a mess who could have no issues in harming others.

      The solution?  Believe in things larger than yourself.  God?  Yes, most assuredly. If you live your life well trying to please God you have lived a life of goodness and have lived it with a center of peace and joy. What if you are wrong and there is no God (there is one)?  Then you go to sleep one day and people remember you for the awesome person you were and while you were here you spread positivity and love which will endure.

      Or you can be a person who worships at the alter of self. You will go through life angry, upset and probably unhappy. If you are a woman it most likely ends in cats and box wine (feminism) and if you are dude it’s beer and your right hand.


      I ranted sir but I agree with most everything you said there.  I just feel the focus needs to be on the sickness and not the symptoms.




        I don’t want to be black pilled nor do I wish to black pill anyone.  There is positive movement in the USA and we should all fight but we need to understand where we are.

        From here there are only 2 things that will happen in general.

        1) Things get worse before they get much worse and at some point everything comes apart.  Don’t fool yourself.  That last snap we won’t see coming.  There will be a single catalyst and it will happen overnight.  At which point it is too late.


        2) Things get worse but through that birth pain of change we make things far better and turn the ship into a positive direction.

        The presidential election is going to be bad.  No matter who wins you are looking at chaos for some period of time.  I suggest having some sort of basic supplies just in case.  A weapon to defend yourself is also a plus.

        We have 2 major issues right now.  The first is an out of control government.  We must win at the ballot box and take that back from the establishment war pigs.

        The other existential issue is the limitless mass illegal immigration.  This is not an accident and is 100% intentional and in many cases you/we are paying for it.  We are literally paying for our country to end up broken.

        There are far to many people here now we know nothing about, they have no resources, they are being abused by the system that tells them to come.  And this will end up obliterating the fabric of America (which is the motivation).  It’s so bad the only way to solve this is to close the border and start mass deportations.  Will that be awful and horrible?  Yes, it will be absolutely ugly.  But we cannot blame the solution to the problem, you have to blame the root cause.  If someone shoves a knife in your back, do you blame the doctor that removes it for the pain of pulling it out?

        Be ready for this year.  Just be prepared.

        But above all, inform yourself, research, take no one’s word for anything and vote.


          “I may have been unclear with my definitions, what I think matters is when does it become a living human being. I know fetuses and even sperms are technically alive, but I do not consider them to be living human beings before consciousness.”

          It’s not that you are unclear, it’s that you are incorrect.  A fetus is a human being.  Sperm is not a human being. But yes both are alive. Consciousness does not add to or detract from being a human being.  If you dig up a corpse from 1,000 years ago and asked someone what it was they answer a human being.  Yet there is no life nor consciousness at that time.  You could dig up a pile of broken bones and maybe you cannot tell exactly what it is but you can DNS test it somehow.  You would find it was a human being.  Now we do call that a corpse but that relates to a state and not lack of humanity, just like fetus.

          Did you ever see any of the secret recordings from an abortion clinic years ago as it related to selling the human parts?  The journalist or whomever it was, was shown a picture of a “disassembled human” or the actual thing.  He/she did not know what it was. He/she asked this person from the clinic what that was.  The answer?  “a baby”.  That’s right.  Not a fetus nor a clump of cells.

          Let’s not kid ourselves.  Instinctively we all know what is what here. It’s very black and white.  Grey in this situation is sought so people can rationalize selfish choices.

          If you want to dehumanize people so you can guiltlessly murder them as they are inconvenient to you or someone else go right ahead.  But that “not a human” magic wand will get used more and more as we have already seen with abortion up to birth and even mention of it afterwards.  Thoughts/ideas can be bad on their own standing, they can also be bad because of where they lead.  And saying well I supported everything up to the step before but not this final step, does not grant you absolution from the point we ultimately arrive at.

          “a car without wheels or windshields is a car in the same way a fetus without hair is a fetus”

          No, not at all.  A car without wheels or a windshield  (and you called it a car not a clump of car parts) is a car in a stage of development as a fetus is a human at a stage of development.

          “But why does it start at conception? And I think it is important to discuss death also, because life starts and ends in the same way. The function which is required for something to be a living human being needs to be defined, when it has this function it is worth protecting and when it ends, it ceases to be worth protecting. So when do you consider life to end?”

          At conception you have a unique human being that is alive. At an early stage yes, but that does not mean it is not human nor that it is not alive. Your obsession with defining the absolute moment of life is a fools errand.  You never going to be able to 100% define or agree on well it’s not a person here but as of 1/1/24 12:32:45 it is. The only reason to try to define this is to attempt to dehumanize a person so they can be done away with.  This is functionally no different than Hitler conjuring reasons that Jewish people were not human so they could be killed en masse.

          You are also conflating your words.  And this is why I accuse you of being a propagandist because this is what a propagandist will do to confuse the issue and bend it to their agenda. Maybe you are not intentionally doing it but I am pointing it out anyway.

          A human being is a physical being.  Life in this context is a state.  A human that was alive 5mins ago is still a human being, he/she is now just no longer alive.  This is because life has ceased, all processes have stopped and decay has begun.  A fetus when left alone will grow into a fully formed person and is alive.

          “My reasoning (without any propaganda involved, I’m telling you) is that in conception you have the DNA sure, but if you go by DNA then you also have to believe that it is alive as long as there is DNA.”

          DNA equates to being human in this case.  DNA does not mean alive.  But a unique human set of DNA that is in a living breathing growing thing fully intended to be a born child is a live human being.

          ” It is purely a question of philosophy. Interacting with a fetus without consciousness is the same as interacting with a braindead person.”

          If it was purely a question of philosophy why do you keep trying to prove your point scientifically?  A fetus and a braindead person can be similar if you only compare some things but overall they are not at all the same thing.  A fetus if left alone will grow and be born.  A brain dead person is typically only still technically alive generally because of life support and once removed would indeed be dead.  If you want to split hairs and say its someone born braindead this is still different as without human help that person would die naturally whereas the fetus would not.  Again, I find trying to define a majority in the same way as you see a tiny minority is a propagandist mechanism.

          “I truly am open to reconsider things but the issue for me is that I haven’t heard a convincing argument to why it starts at conception. But maybe it’s just a propaganda stance to make women into babymachines.”

          If you were open you would not be looking for all the things to affirm your stance but could invalidate it. This does not relate to what you are posting but how I believe you are thinking about it based on your posting.

          You are very good at dehumanizing.  You just called women baby machines. Again, it is a propagandist mechanism to speak of a silly extreme to invalidate an argument.  No one says women should be baby machines.  The only goal is to stop murdering children.  Does that mean women have no choice?  No, that’s propaganda.  Keep it in your pants at typically well known times and most of the time you are fine.  Cases outside of that might be inconvenient or very difficult but that does mean it’s no longer a human you are killing.  If life or your status as a human being is a calculation based on convenience than anyone can be made inhuman.

          “I have had my fair share of people who are anti abortion unless it’s a case of rape or incest.”

          Well that is better than not being that way but that is still inconsistent and is hypocrisy.   It’s good you find that an incorrect stance.  Now you need to apply that recoil from hypocrisy to your other modern leftist stances that are equally hypocritical.

          “I mean of course not by forcefully stealing from people but let’s say high taxation on the wealthiest people in the country and hand it to people who can not afford healthcare.”

          Man you bite hard into whatever propaganda they throw at you.  Taxation (not voted on)  is stealing. It’s not a choice and they take everything from you if don’t pay it. No different than some dude on the street saying give me your wallet or I will beat you into the ground.

          Wealthy people are not a bad thing solely based on being wealthy.  Being bad or good is based on your actions as a person and not how many zeros are in your bank account.  Why should wealthy people pay a higher rate of taxes than anyone else?  That is unfair.  What’s also unfair is lower income people paying no taxes.  Why go after the wealthy constantly?  That is propaganda again.  And it actually does not happen.  Politicians will talk that talk but never walk it.  Why?  Because they are wealthy as are all their donors.

          Now again you are conflating.  This time  tax rate, welfare and the cost of healthcare.  These are all problems and one can make the other worse but they need to be solved separately and not in some silly combined method. So who is at fault then?  Who needs to do more?

          Taxes are too high for normal folks right?  Who’s fault is that generally?  Government.  The wealthy are technically taxed at a higher rate who’s fault?  Government.  The wealthy even with their rate have tons of loopholes so often they don’t pay what they should.  Who’s fault?  Government. Welfare seems to never be enough, the system appears broken, money is just being set on fire.  Who’s fault? Government.

          My point? Stop expecting the body that causes your problems to solve them.  Now, we must be fair. Much of the government is elected and that is the fault of the people when that does not work well.  But much of the government is now not elected.

          “it’s a shame everyone is not as noble. But if it was guaranteed that an added taxation to the wealthiest people in the country would be used to pay for people in desperate need of medical help, wouldn’t that be great?”

          Again with the wealthy.  This is a guarantee you cannot make and historically fails.  So offering something that has already failed many times is nonsense. That’s not a solution that’s propaganda.  This actually already exists in the US.  It’s called the VA.  And it’s typically horrible and historically so.  Do you really want a trip to your doctor to be like going to the DMV.

          “there’s a huge risk people are too selfish to not do it”

          But at least they can choose to be selfish. This assumption that the government’s job is to care for people is why so many people today are in need.  And they keep expecting the people that did not help them to help them.  This is why we spiral out of control.

          Taking money from people for altruistic purposes overall is not a risk.  Why?  It’s almost always fails.

          Freedom is a risk.  Always was, always will be.  But it’s a risk with choice that affirms our God given right to self determination.

          • This reply was modified 9 months ago by Vknid.

          “Shut up, Ian” always makes me laugh on Tim Pool’s show, but I have to admit that Ian got my attention with his graphene obsession. I remember hearing something about graphene tennis rackets. Ian managed to find an incredible chemist named Dr. Tour, who is basically like a modern day Chuck Missler. They were talking about an island of plastic the size of Texas that is floating in the ocean and they want to turn plastic into graphene for all kinds of applications. Ian seems to think this kind of emerging technology will help the USA pull ahead, and I got to say, that some of you millennials that are into emerging technology and futurism have my respect and gratitude.

          James M. Tour is a synthetic organic chemist, receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Syracuse University, his Ph.D. in synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry from Purdue University, and postdoctoral training in synthetic organic chemistry at the University of Wisconsin and Stanford University.

          After spending 11 years on the faculty of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of South Carolina, he joined the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology at Rice University in 1999 where he is presently the T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science, and Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering. Tour has about 650 research publications and over 200 patents.


          These were the 2 Thumbnails I created for the video, which do you guys think is better for the video? The last picture is just the meme I doctored in Photoshop. It took about 10 minutes. If you guys want to meme the western devs, feel free to use the picture. You guys have the 1st day exclusive access to it should you choose to use it. I’ll upload the meme to my Twitter tomorrow.
          BTW, the quote at the bottom: “I was foretold” was originally “It was foretold” I think it’s appropriate to the video theme lol

          Bayonetta is too sexy BBayonetta is too sexyBayonetta Western Developer Beautiful


          You state that as if it’s the only life there is in I am guessing the USA. You would be massively incorrect.

          I had South Korea and Japan in mind as I’ve lived in both countries but the USA works to an extent too I suppose. Like the girl who has been trending recently having a mental breakdown as she struggles to pay her rent and education and is trapped in a work where she works 9-5 with 2 hour commute both ways and has a shitty pay, and then got blasted by the ”you’re entitled, shut up and work”. That sounds just miserable.

          Working hard and achieving things has raised many people into higher classes than when they started.

          true but hard work only does not equal to a better life. Plumbers can work a physically taxing job for an extreme amount of time and doctors have to spend an insane amount studying but can only dream to get to the level of their employees or some twitch streamer who get filthy rich from often times just luck, or people born into a wealthy family have way more chances to mess up than poor people as they won’t necessary get a second chance.

          The number one rule in labor is the employee wants to work as little as possible for the highest amount of pay while the employee want them to work as much as possible for the lowest possible pay.

          The fertility rate is an important stat and in the places it’s now so low in is generally due to radical liberal policies.  You would be hard pressed to name any tenant of the radical left that does not end with less people.

          Liberals are definitely not the same as radical left. And I 100% disagree, the empirical evidence strongly suggests declining fertility rate is correlated with modernization and development of societies. If you look at all the countries with declining fertility rate, many of them have quite conservative policies like East Asia. Most often the biggest reason for the fertility rate decline are impovement of health care and sexual education = contraceptives and families don’t need to pump out 8 children due to the risk of infant/child mortality, as well as families don’t need as many children to help out on their farm labor when it’s not agriculture dominated society, as well as more time spent in the office = less time for family.

          This whole phenomenon can be observed just by looking at China. In the 1950s and 60s the fertility rate was around 6, since the development of modern and industrialized cities like Beijing and Shanghai the fertility rate has dropped under the replacement level of 2.1. But if you look at the fertility rate of non-developed areas in the same country like Xingjiang which still is a developing agricultural area, the fertility rate is still over 6.

          Just take any developed nation and a poor developing nation and you will see that 99.9% of the time the developed nation has a birthrate around or below replacement level and the poor developing country has way above replacement level.


            Since the 60’s there has been much disinformation (not misinformation) about food and health.  The food pyramid, the attack on natural fats and the push behind carbs and sugar. These are things that are all highly incorrect and were most often a push by industry founded on studies that paid for.

            The WEF has been pushing against meat and specifically red meat for decades.  This has lead to this same disinformation pushing people away from what is natural and healthy.  Right now if you go to the American Cancer Society’s website it tells you not to eat red meat and of course the inference there is it causes cancer.  This has been tried before.  I remember several years ago they were trying to list it officially as a carcinogen.

            And now this.  The assertion that red meat causes diabetes. I find that so hyperbolic as to be evil.  Researchers and industry will tell you that you should only have small amounts of fatless protein and red meat is bad.  But all those chemicals we make and all that processed garbage that was never meant to be in your body, hey that stuff is A OK.

            And if you are now thinking to yourself, well isn’t meat bad for the environment?  As opposed to what?  Clearing a forest and plopping in a factory to churn out unnatural foods that have ingredients that cannot be pronounced?

            A couple years ago I went to see a doctor whom was a specialist in weight loss.  The guy was one of those doctors you never forget because they care.  He took time and for nearly an hour explained to me in great detail the food industry from the 50’s on and what parts of it were lies and what parts weren’t.  His advice to me for losing weight and eating healthy?  Simply this. Eat plants and animals.

            My overall take on this is eat what God has made and avoid things that came from a factory.

            There is a great documentary out there called “The Perfect Human Diet”.  It explains human nutrition from cave man on based on how we evolved. It is very enlightening.




              I hear so many folks say healthcare is a human right.  There are things that are human rights but they generally refer to what you are free to do not what someone has to provide you.  But the reason for that phrase is because of the massive push for socialized healthcare.  I think this is because people view it as “free” healthcare.  Well that is entirely a misnomer.  Beyond the grace of God NOTHING in this world is free.  The UK’s tax rates are about double of the US.  So if you already curse the IRS every paycheck wait until you get “free” healthcare.

              Now if double the tax rate meant you received timely and quality care,  I would say it might be worth it.  But this is not the case as their are long wait times and while you prioritize your health over everything else, a government body prioritizes the cost because every socialized healthcare system I am aware of is a financial nightmare currently.   Would you expect a government body with little motivation to do a job well?  Imagine going to the DMV to see your doctor.  In the US there is already a government healthcare system. It’s called the VA.  You might want to ask a veteran how well that works for them.  I suggest doing it from across a room however.

              If you are old enough to recall when ObamaCare was being pushed through.  The term “death panels” came out.  It was somewhat of a propaganda word from the right but it was accurate.  It refers to the rationing of healthcare and how your health is dealt with in a purely administrative and cost context.  The left at that time (this was before rabid progressives) mocked this term and said it was insane and that would never happen.  (see NPR article below)

              Well here comes Canada, offering death to almost anyone that wants it.  Why?  Because it saves money.  And because it’s the WEF’s bidding to crash the population numbers.  And yes,  administrators decide if they are going kill you or not.





              Russel Brand have dared to ask the question and point out the fact the extremely toxic far alt left lunatics agenda/narrative.

              They went after Alex Jones.  They went after Milo Yiannopoulos.  They went after doctors who opposed the vax.  They went after parents who opposed the indoctrination of this kids.  etc.

              Yes, we are in an info war, a culture war, a social-economical war, an ideological war.

              And by them trying to cancel people they oppose by just accusations (not proven in court, but by their legacy media court of public opinion), they are saying:  do not oppose our toxic agenda/narrative, or not only will we go after the big voices (Alex, Milo, Trump), we will go after the little people to (freedom convoy, j6, parent terror watch, etc).

              Johny Depp was cancelled but once the US court case proved HE was the real victim… is the exception to the rule of these leftoids.


              Mercy Falls is the third studio album by Swedish progressive metal band Seventh Wonder. It is a concept album that tells the story of a victim of a car crash who, upon awakening from a coma, finds himself in the mysterious town of Mercy Falls, a fictional world he has dreamed up in his comatose state.

              A man has a mysterious car accident, and falls into a coma. He is taken to a hospital by paramedics. The man, in his comatose state, dreams he is in a place called Mercy Falls. A few years after the accident, his wife comes to visit him (as she apparently has been doing constantly ever since that night). She comments that the doctors are still trying to wake him. She leaves his side, but turns the radio on to comfort her husband.

              Within the man’s mind, he dreams of a woman who lives in Mercy Falls, who constantly stays locked inside “the tall house”, an empty mansion that the children fear to approach. He begins to realize that she is a reflection of himself, because he is trapped inside his own empty mind and completely isolated from those he loves. He believes that if he can meet this woman and help her to leave her mansion, he will be able to leave Mercy Falls himself and finally see his family again.

              Back in the physical world, the doctors speak to the man’s wife and explain that they will harvest bone marrow from his son in desperate attempts to heal the man in the coma. This, apparently, is their last hope to try to awaken him.

              Back in Mercy Falls, the townspeople prepare for a terrible storm that could destroy their village. (The storm, of course, is the doctors trying to cure the man using the bone marrow, therefore trying to destroy Mercy Falls.) The townspeople unite and build up defenses against the storm, and their town is saved. Therefore, the medical procedure has failed.

              The man’s wife and the doctors give up hope. At the album’s emotional climax, “One Last Goodbye”, they turn off his life-support machines and assure him that his memory will live on. He passes from Mercy Falls into the afterlife, and as he is dying, he has a flashback which reveals a conversation he had with his wife several years ago in the car. She told him that her son was, in truth, not his. Shocked so suddenly, he crashes the car, bringing the timeline back to the beginning of the album. This explains why the bone marrow transplant from his son was unsuccessful.

              The son struggles with the absence of his father and his mother. The mother appears to be struggling with the guilt and turns to alcohol. The son refers to it as the “muddy water”. Not only did she cause the accident in the first place by telling the man that the son he thought he had was not his, but the attempts to bring him out of his coma also failed because of her infidelities. She lets her son go through the pain of a bone marrow transplant even though she knew that it wouldn’t work. She continues to keep her infidelity a secret.

              The final song, “The Black Parade”, tells of the man’s experience passing into the afterlife.

              In a document containing 10 key guidelines, the center informed parents of its plan to implement “doctor games,” where children have the opportunity to “touch and inspect” themselves and others.

              How is that not sexual exploitive?

              “All children, especially preschoolers, are aware of the places in the facility where nudity and body exploration can take place,” the guidance read.

              No grooming going on there!

              “Each child decides for themselves whether and with whom they want to play physical and sexual games. Girls and boys pet and examine each other only as much as is comfortable for themselves and other children.”

              Play physical and sexual games with?  Who has to first show them what and how to do it?  Will these predators show, demonstrate, and participate?  If a child decides they want to do so with one of the groomers, then is that OK?

              Following public backlash, the Awo-Kita kindergarten in Hanover abandoned the project. This decision came when a spokesperson for the Ministry of Education in the Lower Saxony state capital declared that it poses a risk to the child’s well-being.

              Trauma, especially sexual trauma, should never be allowed to happen.

              And only AFTER the backlash! ! !  Such pedo policies should NEVER had been considered in the first place.

              These sickos should be in a Mental Asylum and no were near any children.

              “Leave Our Kids Alone!”  is all the more needed than ever before.



              Alberta woman who tried to take COVID transplant fight to Supreme Court dies

              An Alberta woman who tried to take her fight over COVID-19 vaccine requirements for organ transplants all the way to the Supreme Court has died.

              The former lawyer for Sheila Annette Lewis confirmed her death Friday.

              “Ms. Lewis was a real true believer in fighting for personal rights and freedoms,” said Allison Pejovic, who was in touch with her former client’s son.

              They trying to force her to take a drug or die, well the medical community got their wish.  She has DIED!

              Lewis was diagnosed with a terminal disease in 2018 and was told she would not survive unless she received an organ transplant.

              She was placed on a transplant wait list in 2020, but was informed a year later she would need to get the COVID-19 vaccine first.

              Lewis said taking the vaccine would offend her conscience and argued the requirement violated her Charter rights.

              By invoking her Charter rights, they decided to deny her live saving surgery.

              The case was dismissed by an Alberta court, which said the Charter has no application to clinical treatment decisions. The Supreme Court also turned down her application for a hearing.

              In other words, you are human guinea pig to big pharma/medical community.

              There is a publication ban on the doctors’ identities, the organ involved and the location of the transplant program.

              To protect the guilty, those who denied life saving surgery, and who failed their hippocratic oath by their actions/inactions “to refrain from causing harm or hurt” lead to the death of a person it was within their power to save.



                You all know that most countries don’t really have this problem. Obesity is primarily a USA issue, and it’s because of the garbage allowed here. The promotion of unhealthy diet and living, it’s actually advertised. The expense of eating better. The fact that people drive more here so aren’t walking or riding bikes. There are many contributors.

                I’ll give an example. In Japan the obesity rate is below 4%, in USA it is ABOVE 40% now. They eat better, the normal Japanese diet is way more nutritional/healthier (fish is a historically better contributor for a good diet). They walk and are as a whole more active in their daily lives. If you watch video’s in Japan, you see a lot of bikes everywhere (it’s like that in most Asian countries for that matter). People riding bikes is exercise. The kids in school actually help with Lunch and their lunches are vastly superior nutrition wise, it’s mostly all fresh made. The kids walk and ride bikes too. They are also cleaner as a people and culture. This helps with health.

                The healthcare in this country is also at fault. Doctors throw pills at people, not get to the actual issues. They give you some cardiac and blood pressure pills instead of telling you to lose weight, get more exercise, and change your diet.

                This can all change, we can follow countries like Japan as an example. But, sadly, Americans are too stuck in their way, and it’s nothing to be proud of. As someone who works in healthcare, I find it disgusting frankly. I get upset at work sometimes because of what I see.



                The worst we will see is a cultist separatist movement in the US…

                A schism in the Catholic Church.

                We already hear the odd story(s) about how bishops in the US or sometimes bishops in Germany are turning away from the Church’s message in order to be “progressive” in order to serve the current masses instead of staying with the universal truths of God’s message/laws.

                Or in another way, an anti-reformation.

                The reformation was a schism where a section of religious people decided to break away from the Catholic Church over “issues” they had with the Church.

                While alot of their arguments (by Martin Luthor) were valid concerns on theology (while the end result was not, IMO) this fight to openly allow for sinful and immoral acts to be allowed and promoted by the Church is WRONG and it goes against God.

                And we have seen Satan’s influence happening.

                The extremely toxic far alt left ideologies/narrative/agenda which is ANTI-God/Anti-Religion, these “women” are pushing.

                This misinterpreting things.

                God created Adam from the dirt of the earth.  Adam did not become man until God breathed life into him.

                Eve was created by God using a rib from Adam.

                In both cases, neither form of Adam nor Eve was breathing, their hearts pumping, their cells growing, until GOD made them human.

                After Adam and Eve, human’s created life by reproduction (SEX).  A fertilized egg is human life.

                A doctor or midwife does not create life when they help with the birthing process.  It was already a human being.

                Science has proven this (a fertilized egg has a DNA that is separate from the mother’s, containing both the father’s and mother’s DNA to create a unique being, a unique HUMAN being).

                These harlots want to say God ALLOWS the murder of human beings, be it still in the womb, is morally, ethnically wrong.  They have no place in religion, yet alone in a position of teaching God’s Laws nor in a position of preaching God’s message.

                This corruption of God’s warrants excommunication!  And people of faith should NEVER follow such heretics.


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