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  • #310160

    Thanks for replying Vknid.
    So I want to be clear, I am an artist, I like artistic stuff even if at times (more often than not) it is very progressive. It’s unfortunate but there are not many more conservative people making creative movies like this. I am also a content creator.
    I balance my point of views & I review movies strictly as a Reviewer, I leave my politics at the door, I might mention a few things but the review part is as impartial as I can be. If I am just talking about a movie, that is where  I will interject my personal POV of the topics over the review.
    MEN is incredibly well made with some top tier cinematography & acting. The movie was very well established & the tone of the movie, even though it unravels in the last 30 minutes, the tone carried through to the end.
    The movie is NOT very feminist, it does not beat you over the head with too many “Messages” the only message it carries is the dangers that some women face at the hands of Men & how some women as a result of those traumas (they really ruined that word haven’t they) they see All Men as the same. That is a major thing that many people forget, these situations DO happen to women & it is more often than we want to accept or admit. I know a few women that are very close to me that suffered these fates & 1 of the 3 of the worst have been scared  for life. That’s why I always keep a balanced perspective when I hear people talk about this stuff from both men & women on both Left & Right. I’m not a right winger, I am more conservative but I have a lot of liberal views as well. We need to be balance, we cannot have a 1 sided society. lol sorry aboot the tangent lol,
    Back to the movie part, so as progressive as the movie seems, where ALL the MEN are white & are Evil as the story unravels… SPOILERS


    I gave you the time to leave if you wanted the movie not to be spoiled:
    The actual Villain of the movie is 1 man, her ex Husband that was an ABUSIVE BLACK MAN! The reason they all look alike in the movie with 1 face is because she had 1 main abuser that she tried to escape from & escape his memory but our past & our memories always find a way to follow us & come out on top.
    See, the  movie is progressive but also balanced.
    But yes, you are correct, most Mainstream movies like this are ham fisted about their message & they will make white straight men the  villains & in those movies you would have better odds beating Mike Tyson than the movie being any good lol.


    Perhaps the key to happiness lies in finding the right person, and for me, dating sites have been the gateway to that pursuit. On platforms like The Lucky Date, the journey to happiness unfolds through meaningful connections based on shared interests and genuine compatibility. Discover more about this avenue for finding joy in the company of the right person in this comprehensive review the lucky date. Join me on The Lucky Date, and let’s explore the possibility of happiness through authentic connections and shared moments.



      “Sorry bro, I’ve become very discouraged with many defeats over the past few years, If I do make more movie reviews, they would be of older movies with most likely stills or muted trailers like in this video. Any movies you would like to see me review in particular?”


      Dude, don’t despair. If this is something you enjoy doing then who cares about views and such.  And this idea you would strike gold early on in such a saturated market is not realistic.  Most things you can think of where someone hit paydirt with an invention, a great book or even top tier videos took many iterations of some level of failure before they got the formula right.  In fact I was thinking about this recently.  Most of the very large and successful YouTubers I know of took about 10 years to become big and famous YouTubers.  They did not start a channel and have 5 million subscribers the next day.  It took years to work it to that point.

      Now with all that said.  Given the issues you have with YouTube and censorship, I suggest using Rumble.  But use both.  Do some YouTube friendly content and do some Rumble specific content.  In fact, since YouTube loves the gaming videos so much.  I might suggest you continue to do those and use that as a vehicle to advertise Rumble content and on there is where you can put your reviews without concern of nonsense.

      Now you asked which movies to review.  I suggest starting from the 50’s on and maybe stop at 2000.  There are MANY great movies out there that many don’t know about.  The movies from prior decades were generally works of genius compared to the garbage of today.  This is why I make all those “A Brief Review” posts that no one looks at.  I am just trying to spread the knowledge of good long lost movies.

      Here is a starting point.  This movie is awesome.  But no one talks about it.  And it might be the first movie to have described and be about what we now consider the military industrial complex.  Check it out.


        If you start doing movie reviews in your style I would be all about that.  Even if you do like Dave Cullen did with old but great Scifi movies.  It not only is fun to watch such reviews but you end up performing a service introducing people to great stuff they did not know existed.

        AI (right now) really just means Automated  Intelligence and not Artificial Intelligence.  As I see it, it’s just algorithmic plagiarism.   Is just smashing together content from works it knows of and slightly altering them.  So it outputs garbage that is never going to be interesting or fun because it cannot create.

        “The devil schemes to destroy beauty because he cannot create it”

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.

        Ladies and gentlemen. It’s my pleasure to present my review and commentary of Dawn of the dead 1978. The classic horror movie by George Romero.  And if y like what you read check out the links at he end and see how you can support my ongoing efforts. Enjoy.

        Dawn of the dead 1978 review



        • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Animeman73. Reason: Needed more information

          Siskel and Ebert were not hacks in my summation.  They actually did good reviews that were honest as far as I can recall.  I know they were not the only or first movie critics but they popularized that genre.  Shalit was a entertainment guy.  I don’t recall his reviews being serious but more on the funny or exaggerated side.  But Siskel and Ebert would break down a film and do it in front of you on TV.

          What’s around now are just pay for play critics.  And it’s not entirely their fault they (or game reviewers) are lop sided. I attribute this to the internet.  In the day of Siskel and Ebert so long as you got a review out while the movie was still in theatres you were good to go.  But now with the instant communication, if you are not one of the first to get out a review (game or movie) you don’t get clicks.  So now early access as granted by a movie or game company is critical to your reviews making money.  So, realizing this companies selectively hand out that access and if you do something they don’t like they revoke it.  Critics know this and so their reviews are almost always positive.

          Again, it’s the game, not the player.


          Holy shit, you are not only right on the money @Vknid, but I would  say the same thing about being a film critic or any critic really which is a closer comparison.


          Think about famous film critics like Roger Ebert, Gene Siskel, or Gene Shalit… HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DID I HAVE TO HEAR THESE HOLLYWOOD ELITISTS GET PAID TO LISTEN TO THEIR WORTHLESS TAKES?!?!

          Reaction videos have been a thing, hell Ebert and Siskel were prime examples of Reaction videos, but they were considered “geniuses?”

          No, they’re all hacks who push their own word as the only valid criticism. I’m a better film critic, reviewer, and I can be 80% less biased about it too.

          Really, anyone who wants to criticize reaction video better be ready to criticize the whole fucking entertainment industry. No excuses.

          So don’t hate the player, hate the game because Hollywood made the game and now the game is changing.

          Biden administration coerced social media giants into possible free speech violations: court

          The White House, health officials and the FBI may have violated the First Amendment rights of people posting about COVID-19 and elections on social media by pressuring technology companies to suppress and remove the posts, a federal appeals court ruled late Friday.

          Stating the obvious there.

          The Biden administration has 10 days to seek a Supreme Court review of the ruling.

          “DOJ is reviewing the court’s decision and will evaluate its options in this case,” the White House said in a statement.

          Once again, they were caught doing something wrong, but refuse to accept responcibility for.

          …the White House coerced the platforms through “intimidating messages and threats of adverse consequences” and commandeered the decision-making processes of social media companies, particularly in handling pandemic-related and 2020 election posts.

          Yay, like how to suppress the damage their agenda/narrative has caused to so many people.

          “It is true that the officials have an interest in engaging with social media companies, including on issues such as misinformation and election interference. But the government is not permitted to advance these interests to the extent that it engages in viewpoint suppression,” the judges wrote.

          And we saw how all that was one way.  Only the government approved viewpoints were allowed.  Government misinformation (Russian dossier HOAX) was allowed to spread, etc.

          And how the so-called “fact checkers” are themselves full of fraud and misinformation.

          When the media is no longer neutral (and are very much biased), and accept talking points without question or concern, when social media companies and other tech companies are so ready and willing to censor free speech and open discussions as “misinformation” or “hate”, that is a huge problem.

          I just hope something more comes from this lawsuit and court verdict.


          What could Starfield Learn from Mass Effect?
          These are My First impressions:
          If Starfield has been in development for over 7 years & worked on for MANY more years…how did we end up with a Just Good Game? How could a games like the Mass Effect series that came out 16 years ago, do better & give us options for space exploration that made it feel so much more engaging & fun?
          I very much like Starfield so far, regardless of my harsh criticism, but I do not feel this was the end product they wanted to give us. The world looks great but jarring at the same time. You will see noticeable low resolution assets, especially in the plant life & some textures. I have walked up to cave walls & saw high polished textures next to low quality textures. Then you have the Fugly NPCs that populate the worlds…NO! This is NOT acceptable in a modern game. The acting generally is great & I have not been annoyed by any of the characters so far. I like the ability to fast travel from almost anywhere in the game, especially if you want a fast experience, but then you also have the strange way in how you travel & scan the planets. Mass Effect was great in this regard. You discovered the new Galaxy, you scanned for hidden planets, discovered them & then scanned the planets for resources. But not in starfield. The planets are laid out for you & with a simple button press you discover all the resources. I’ve now played almost 10hrs & my rating still stands at 7/10.
          I will always give a balanced & honest review of games & movies & sometimes social commentary, we need this today.
          I watched some videos before I did my first impressions & I have to say, if a guy cannot find anything to criticize or call the game a Masterpiece, that is a shill. If the reviewer sounds like he is trying to SELL you the game, he was  either paid or wants to be an in the pocket reviewer above all.
          Next video, I will discuss my favorite feature, Photo Mode. Man it is sooo good. Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed it  & stay tuned.


            “But good news never gets the clicks/likes/reviews/etc as bad news.”

            This is certainly true as rage and fear are potent motivators but they are not the only ones, just the easiest to produce.

            “So I don’t blame them for letting other know, especially if they are getting from sources we don’t have access to/don’t go to/etc.”

            I am not blaming anyone for anything.  If folks want to crank out content giving oxygen to what they claim they dislike, despise or disagree with be my guest.  My point was that I find it far more advantageous from a cultural perspective to make it well known and popular the things that are liked, done well and actually entertaining than going on about stuff or people we all dislike.

            If Rachel Zigler was not spoken of almost constantly on channels that say they disagree with her I would have no clue who she is or what silliness she said.



            Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, a game filled with  nostalgic images of cel-shaded characters and street style gameplay reminiscent of Jet Set Radio Future (Not Jet Set [grind] Radio). The game definitely has the look and somewhat feel of JSRF, but the music, the story, and the characters and character designs are all lackluster to say the least.

            The story is about ” 3 big writers inspiring the streets” which in itself makes almost no sense and has no substance to a proper introduction to a story. Keep in mind I’m about 1/3rd in the game already and it already seems like the story is going to be a let down as it continues with your character getting decapitated and you have a robot head to replace yours while trying to find your “identity” which is heavily implied by the first rival gang you end up fighting who are a bunch of Frankenstein creatures stapled together talking about where their “parts” came from by priding racial origins of the part, almost blatantly dehumanizing himself and the people his parts came from.

            This gets your robot head character (named red) questioning his own identity… Already feels like they pushed identity politics in this game. Maybe it’s because I’m on guard from all the Woke BS indie devs have been trying to influence gamers with, but this feels like a forced story piece and feels absolutely pointless.

            It goes on from here where you have to get street cred by tagging different areas to challenge the street holder and antagonist “writer” who has your head. You meet the big bad briefly only to have him retrieve a memory that you have no idea where it came from to see your old self (makes no sense) as you play through a dream level that tells me the game focuses more on a personal story, than an actual story.

            From there you go on to challenge the next gang who is literally a group of angry black women in spandex 80s looking suits with giant shoulders and braids that stick out complaining how your character is a man🤦 so progressive….

            The placement of these characters are boring and predictable which is sad to say the least. That’s about where I stopped story wise. I honestly couldn’t think this was woke until I saw character designs predominantly leaning in with race/gender and boring designs. The first gang was literally just Frankenstein creatures in basketball outfits riding BMX bikes, boring.

            Now let’s compare that to a JSRF character: Combo, a boom box holding beast with a free dangling gold chain with a logo and baggy pants and the most chill shades you ever saw, way better. Compare that to the Frankenstein characters, boring.

            But not as boring as the music. Sure it sounds like techno, but it has zero of the same energy and memorability as JSRF. It has no up eat tempos, the soundtracks don’t stick out and really sounds like they want stick to more boring tempos and mixes of music. When I hear the music, all I can think of is “when is ‘concept of Love’s track coming up?” That’s how bad the music has been so far. I wouldn’t be surprised if we do get some more memorable mixes in the playlist, but really it’s not exciting or pushing me to keep playing.

            Which brings me to the gameplay itself. I was shocked to see the gameplay was strikingly similar to JSRF, even when you’re using other modes of transportation like a skateboard and bicycle. But it’s also harder to control with the camera angles always shifting in awkward positions making you incapable of seeing where you’re going compared to JSRF and even then it’s still either too slippery to control your movements and the combination trick system doesn’t work in tempo like JSRF did. I know I bring this up a lot, but JSRF is the direct inspiration and it doesn’t remain faithful to its roots as ironic of a statement that is, it deviates and forgets what made JSRF good like the graffiti.

            The graffiti system works with specific patterns of each design which gives you a option for every movement you make with your spray  button commands, but good luck remembering each and every spray option. It would’ve been easier just to preset which ones you want to use, but the game Creators rather make it harder for you to use the designs you want to use. It’s just overcomplicated for a 10 hour game…

            Ultimately, this game tries too hard to emulate the visual success of JSRF but falling short in every other part.

            The game feels like the story was trying to push a story more than the fun of the game. You see the story unfold and simply don’t care because it doesn’t make sense and the characters are paper thin boring.

            When I played JSRF, the characters weren’t trying to be deep, they were trying to be fun which they did successfully. In the same time I spent playing JSRF, I unlocked two characters and and passed a quick tutorial with Beat. In that same time, I played a character that had his head removed and played through TWO SEPARATE TUTORIALS and a really bland storyline… I really can’t say this was all that fun, but it wasn’t the worst thing I ever played either. It has the elements of JSRF, but lacks all the charisma of the game they are emulating.


            With JSRF you got characters who seemed almost out of this world, you had a easy fluid gameplay, and while the camera angles were a problem too, they were more manageable in JSRF. BRC simply trying too hard to be bigger than it actually was. The game is mid at best. I’d say worth at most $20 dollars and the game itself is only recorded at 10 hours long. Not really a game I would pay $40 again.

            Let me be blunt and state this isn’t my best writing and I just wanted to give you all of my opinion of the game overall. I didn’t take time to proof read, or edit or anything that would possibly  be considered to a well written review.

            Let me know what you all thought of the game or if you think I’m being too critical.


            Topic: The Abolition of Man

            in forum Books

            For anyone interested, the book can be found here and a video of someone reading the book can be found here.

            This isn’t so much a book review as it is an attempt to try to understand what Lewis was writing, and to see how what he wrote may be playing out now.

            One thing Lewis tries to establish early on is that there is a universal code of morals and ethics. It is universal because almost all aspects of it are found across all human cultures in all times. “This conception in all its forms, Platonic, Aristotelian, Stoic, Christian, and Oriental alike, I shall henceforth refer to for brevity simply as ‘the Tao’.” (p. 8).

            The existence of this code is of primary importance to humanity. “The head rules the belly through the chest—the seat, as Alanus tells us, of Magnanimity, of emotions organized by trained habit into stable sentiments. The Chest-Magnanimity-Sentiment—these are the indispensable liaison officers between cerebral man and visceral man. It may even be said that it is by this middle element that man is man: for by his intellect he is mere spirit and by his appetite mere animal.” (p. 11).

            To take away this code would be to create what Lewis calls “Men Without Chests”. “And all the time—such is the tragi-comedy of our situation—we continue to clamour for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. You can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more ‘drive’, or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or ‘creativity’. In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.” (p. 12).

            Is this something we can see with our own eyes, the effects of this void between our heads and our stomachs, between our minds and our appetites? I can think of the recent outbreak of mass robberies in certain cities, where large crowds of people rush into stores, steal in an almost haphazard manner whatever is at hand, then leave. And when the businesses shut down and leave for better, safer places, they will cry that their neighborhoods are being abandoned by those greedy businesses.

            It could even be that the whole of what we called “cancel culture” is an example of this void. For most of those who participate in cancelings, it seems to be less about intellect, about the give-and-take of ideas and only shutting the doors to truly heinous ideas, but about silencing any idea that they find troubling, or that simply disagrees with them. They are simply obeying their own desires, their own emotions, their own appetites., and have given no thought to the idea that the same rules they want to use against others could very well also be used against them.

            Or the recent examples of transgender madness, or people intentionally exposes young children to sexually charged drag shows, or the insanity during the time of Covid over things that we now know were useless and even lies,. I’m sure other people can add to the list of things that show how as a whole our minds and our appetites have been separated, how our culture is being pushed around by people who are ruled by their appetites and not ruling their emotions by their minds.

            Lewis gives us a possible scenario of how things may finally play out. “At the moment, then, of Man’s victory over Nature, we find the whole human race subjected to some individual men, and those individuals subjected to that in themselves which is purely ‘natural’—to their irrational impulses. Nature, untrammelled by values, rules the Conditioners and, through them, all humanity. Man’s conquest of Nature turns out, in the moment of its consummation, to be Nature’s conquest of Man. Every victory we seemed to win has led us, step by step, to this conclusion. All Nature’s apparent reverses have been but tactical withdrawals. We thought we were beating her back when she was luring us on. What looked to us like hands held up in surrender was really the opening of arms to enfold us for ever. If the fully planned and conditioned world (with its Tao a mere product of the planning) comes into existence, Nature will be troubled no more by the restive species that rose in revolt against her so many millions of years ago, will be vexed no longer by its chatter of truth and mercy and beauty and happiness. Ferum victorem cepit: and if the eugenics are efficient enough there will be no second revolt, but all snug beneath the Conditioners, and the Conditioners beneath her, till the moon falls or the sun grows cold.” (pp. 31-32).

            “Traditional values are to be ‘debunked’ and mankind to be cut out into some fresh shape at the will (which must, by hypothesis, be an arbitrary will) of some few lucky people in one lucky generation which has learned how to do it. The belief that we can invent ‘ideologies’ at pleasure, and the consequent treatment of mankind as mere ulh, specimens, preparations, begins to affect our very language. Once we killed bad men: now we liquidate unsocial elements. Virtue has become integration and diligence dynamism, and boys likely to be worthy of a commission are ‘potential officer material’. Most wonderful of all, the virtues of thrift and temperance, and even of ordinary intelligence, are sales-resistance.” (p. 34).

            What we are left with is a vast herd of sheep called humanity who are ruled by some few who through education will not train us in how to think but will tell us what to think. They will not believe in a code themselves, but they will force a code upon all the sheep below them.

            Yet since they themselves have no code, what code can these dear leaders force upon us? Only what is convenient for them. They have no code that tells them to care one whit for the sheep, except perhaps insofar as happy sheep make for happy shepherds. But the rules they make for the sheep will not be rules they intend to keep themselves.

            Consider the climate fearmongers. In words, they are very ready to make dire predictions, and in actions, they are very ready to make the lives of the sheep very difficult. But in their actions regarding themselves, they are very ready to ignore their own rules. When they gave for their conferences, they come on their private jets with the vast entourages of people and armadas of vehicles. Their homes are examples of energy waste.

            If I could offer one counterpoint, it’s not as if such hypocrisy is new. Jesus denounced the religious rulers of His day for putting burdens of the people that the rulers themselves would not touch.


            This is the Collaboration of a lifetime with one of my favorite Youtubers of all time.
            We review 2007’s THE MIST.
            Don’t worry, I covered her eyes during the too scary parts & I got her parent’s permission to watch the movie & make the review with her, my Niece.
            If you have kids & are looking for good channels for kids, check out her & her sister’s channel:
            Lilly and Iris Sisters Reviews For Kids. They have movie reviews, snack reviews, some gameplay & generally being kids & having fun. Yes, I do shoot & edit their video & you might recognize my voice in their videos lol.
            Read the description of the video before commenting. I also reached out to Youtube Partner Support before I uploaded the video to avoid any violations & to see how I would have to publish the video:
            I was allowed to leave comments on but YT can disable them if it deems it necessary (which I would be able to re-enable them)
            I wouldn’t need to mark the video as Made For Children since I am not making a video for kids, targeting kids. BUT if I linked her channel in the description, then I would have to mark the video as for kids since I would THEN be targeting kids.
            I might make my own Horror Review that is more mature in the future.
            I hope you guys enjoy it.


              Netflix puts out a lot of low quality content in my opinion as they just try to fill their platform with enough stuff to keep subscribers interested.  I figure 9/10 things they create is total garbage (my opinion).  But now and then they do something interesting and good.

              This morning I watched “The Monkey King”.  The only reason I gave it a chance is because it was animated (Netflix seems to have a higher success rate there) and I enjoyed the non-animated Monkey King series they created a few years ago which they killed off before the story was done unfortunately.

              This one appears to be a prequel to the non-animated series.

              I started to watch this and I was drawn in and on the edge of my seat.  It’s a unique telling of the story.  It is very fanciful, colorful and has some cool music in it of different genres.  The Monkey King theme was hard rock/metal and it was really cool.

              I detected no wokeness in this and I just found it fun and enjoyable.

              Highly recommended for adults and or children.

              <p style=”text-align: left;”><p style=”text-align: left;”>I’m sure many have noticed the uptick in PlayStation hardcore fans becoming more and more delusional by the minute.</p>
              Despite the accuracy of PlayStation being the market leader in the console market, PlayStation has been losing more and more traction and still not making as much money as its competitors while simultaneously being investigated and sued by 3 countries for anti competitive business behavior which is in fact, illegal. Which goes without saying their censorship practices are all the more alienating their audience to other platforms, Japan being the prime example of boycotting.</p>
              Recently, PlayStation fans have taken up extreme cause to discredit Microsoft for their business practices which oddly enough, do follow the proper business practice compared to PlayStation. Microsoft, as you all know has been on an acquisition spree to obtain more IPs for their ongoing services for GamePass and Cloud based gaming which has shown some improvement over the last few years. Sadly, PlayStation fans have made up an excuse after excuse and making false accusations of anti consumer practices when Microsoft has made no such moves as of yet.

              This brings me to the first false claim: The ABK acquisition. Activision Blizzard King was recently and successfully ruled in Microsoft’s favor to close the deal which while is extending out for the UK deal, is confirmed in the US and every other country and it looks like the acquisition will go through even if the UK doesn’t agree because even if the UK backs out, Microsoft is willing to sell their cloud rights over the UK to allowed the acquisition through without their approval.

              PlayStation fans, however, made the false narrative that this acquisition would be blocked in the FTC ruling which as we all saw, The FTC had no case in pursuing in the first place and lost 25% funding as a result of the frivolous behavior in defending PlayStation, not the consumer (FTC neglects they work for the consumer, not PlayStation).

              After the backlash of PlayStation fans being wrong, many went on to delete social media accounts and then change their arguments to fit their anti Microsoft agenda which showed the gaming community how utterly ignorant they were to make their arguments in the first place.


              Even before this debacle, another was already in place for Starfield being exclusive to Xbox and PlayStation fans making the false narrative that it would be PlayStation exclusive when that simply wasn’t the case. The did not stop there, they went on with making a petition to make it exclusive after the fact Microsoft acquired the company whose making starfield. This brings us up to date where the fans have accepted they’ll not be getting starfield but at the same time won’t let their personal vendetta against Microsoft end as they have openly admitted, recently on Twitter, that they were making fake accounts to review bomb the game due to a lack of availability on their console. The level of delusions these fans are going through to make their agenda known to protect a company that quite literally hates them is simply disturbing, for lack of a better word.

              It doesn’t stop here though, more recently the fans have gone through another stage of coping by making a false claim of Baldur’s Gate 3 being a “PlayStation exclusive”…… You read that correctly, a current game that’s only been released on PC, somehow is a PlayStation exclusive to them. Last time I checked, no consoles have received a functional copy of this game on their platform, but magically, Baldur’s Gate 3 came to PlayStation exclusively? As you can see, the degeneracy they’ve fallen into has been nothing short of the mental illness of a group of consumers.

              But why am I bringing this up? Why have I chosen to give you a huge forum post about one particularly weird group of fanboys? Honestly, it’s for two reasons: One, I wanted to shed light on PlayStation fanboys and PlayStation. PlayStation fanboys are toxic little cretins who literally have the coping mechanism of a 5 year old and I detest PlayStation because they take advantage of their consumers, developers, third party developers, and spit on the consumer market. I am accepting of any platform that doesn’t pursue censorship or bad business.

              My second reason is that this behavior of bootlicking for corporations have become a nuisance to the gaming community as a whole. I get it, we all have platforms we like and we want them to stick around a bit longer. To me, the only company that is worthy of our respect is Nintendo. Not Microsoft (woke brand BS), Not PlayStation (woke and censoring games), but Nintendo. And sure, Nintendo isn’t making all the right choices, but Nintendo is the only company that has outspokenly stated: we would not arbitrarily censor a game (despite hiring localizers who did such a thing). Aside from changed language due to woke localization, censorship from Nintendo is nearly non existent. We continue to get fun and sexy games like Galgun and Senran Kagura without the extra censorship PlayStation adds in.

              Nintendo even hired Playboy at one time to make a Bayonetta photo shoot. Does Nintendo have more edge than PlayStation now? Indefinitely, yes.

              By all means we should continue to support Nintendo because at this point, Nintendo is still independent and still gives us the fullest games with the least to almost no censorship which is saying something.


              But I didn’t write this to talk about Nintendo, I brought this to your attention because I love gaming, I love the freedom to enjoy gaming, and I wanted you all to be aware of the industry, the communities, and really just wanted to have this conversation.

              I do think playstation delusional syndrome is real and only the most hardcore of fanboys can truly be considered among this claim.

              I’m sorry if this offends anyone who owns a PS5, but my statement stands that Playstation is a crap platform and we should all move forward with boycotting to another console because let’s face it, playstation isn’t going to stop stealing content from it’s consumers, it’s not going to stop being underhanded, it’s not going to do anything in favor of the consumer demand. Make the right choice, buy anything else that doesn’t censor.

              Thank you.

              • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Salvince.
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