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  • #302824

    It’s been a good, long run, but the Spielberg/Lucas era is coming to an end. From what I heard about Indiana Jones, I liked the ideas. It is congruent with a professor that, at the end of his life, he’d want to be around Archimedes and explore those kinds of minds. It is not believable to me for a guy in his 80s to be doing action movies. One glance at the trailer was enough for me to miss the latest one. He’s not the same guy. Chris Gore made a great point that if the torch was passed to Short Round, it would have been great and also, a gesture of goodwill to the eastern markets.

    The woke stuff is all recent. Spielberg and Lucas made good movies at one time. Marvel has an incredible run of movies and they were actual good movies. At one time, old school cinema was criticizing the superhero movies, but at the time, the casting, characters and stories made them better movies than the alternatives. Now that mass production has taken over, the quality is diminishing. Chuck Dixon said that he’s seen it before when every movie used to be a western and one day, it all went away and was replaced by a different genre.

    One thing that is correct is, after all those great movies, that once they get the public hooked, they put out The Message of race swaps and gender swaps, etc. Not sure if you saw, but Spider-verse was banned in the Arab Muslim world because of BLM and “protect Trans Kids” posters on the walls of Miles Morales.

    I went to see Sound of Freedom and it was ok. It’s an alternative. It’s also an opportunity for people to see something that is against the grooming that is going on. We have the trans stuff, PRIDE month, Epstein Island, 50 Shades, Madonna, and Sound of Freedom just represents a tiny, tiny difference from the smut peddlers in the country. Faith films are kind of a joke, but I can only speak for myself that the perverted secular mass produced consumerist materialist product has become stale and cliche’ and monotonous. In fact, I remember watching Sound of Freedom and leaving the theater, the muzack piped into the mall was sexually suggestive and it occurs to a person that we live under a cloud of massive pressure to conform to being some kind of Pimp or Ho. SOF was not the best movie, but I will support Angel Studios in the future because they are trying to make human interest movies.

    Sound of Freedom stays with you though. I walked out thinking meh, wasn’t much, but a day later, I was still thinking about it. That’s the difference. Special effects don’t give you that. Sound of Freedom has substance to it. It’s not easy to watch. To be honest, I was very uncomfortable. Sometimes, in life, I’ve been disappointed that faithful people would not speak out on an issue, but that is what the movie does. It’s dark territory. It’s meaningful. You can kind of feel the tension out there around it.


    In reply to: The Flash

    The Flash breaks a negative DC film record…and almost Marvel’s

    Thus, after grossing $55 million worldwide in its first weekend, the second weekend drop was no less than 72.5%, the largest in the history of DC movies.

    And how about compared to Marvel?

    In fact, it’s almost the biggest in superhero movie history, were it not for Morbius’ 73% drop last year.

    So, this is (as the legacy media is claiming) superhero fatigue?

    The contrast with Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse, which grossed $300 million in one month, is especially painful.

    Nope, just shitty movies won’t make the money none shitty movies get.

    Fortunately for The Flash, it still has time to make the $200 million it cost to make, but at this rate… it seems hard to believe it can.

    And now the legacy media refuses to report the TRUE costs, which include all those extra reshoots and marketing costs, and how the studio only gets HALF the money as the other half goes to the theater owners.

    Lying by omitting FACTS, the legacy media is.


      “I agree with Jeremy; none of this makes sense! If ‘The Little Mermaid’ is being “rejected” because of “racism”- as these idiots keep claiming- then why is ‘Fast X’ and ‘Into the Spider-Verse 2’ doing quite well since they’re very diverse films? ”

      There are 2 reasons.

      1) A narrative is being pushed down to all corporations whether they are infected with woke or not internally that everyone is an ist or a phobe.  This is Marxism and it is being used to keep people divided and in fear for the purposes of control by the political class and billionaire elites who control them.

      2) There are now MANY organizations, with some being quite large, that make all their money off donations and grants because of  _INSERT_YOUR_CAUSE_HERE_.

      I am sure some of those are legit but I fear most are not especially when it comes to the large ones.  Take BLM for example.    This is now a big business.  Most of these organizations produce nothing but fear and division with their only real motivation is to pay themselves.  And there are MANY radicals out there whom 100% believe all the propaganda and  give these groups money.  So to get those donations/grants you have to find reasons for your cause to exist and grow and you have to find it everywhere.


      This made me laugh this morning🤣:

      I agree with Jeremy; none of this makes sense! If ‘The Little Mermaid’ is being “rejected” because of “racism”- as these idiots keep claiming- then why is ‘Fast X’ and ‘Into the Spider-Verse 2’ doing quite well since they’re very diverse films? I don’t understand why they won’t admit that it was just a bad film. The ‘Aladdin’ remake was more entertaining than this (please don’t judge me😂!).


      In reply to: Addressing Issues


        Found a BOT, @Davisa, posted the same comment + link 3 times

        Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Releases First Poster

        Breitbart Movie My Son Hunter Gets a Teaser

        Lord of the Rings Rights Bought by Embracer

        Trying to avoid mod detection by staying out of the forums 😂 nice try…


          I can’t wait 🤩


          Best quote I’ve read in the last week, which I’ll paraphrase regarding the nonsense associated with the latest Predator and Spider-verse, which can now be applied to this…

          “Descendants of Native Americans and The Blacks hear horror stories about genocide, stolen land and property, slavery, lynchings, loss of dignity, etc. Years from now all of our descendants will be like “they took our cartoons and comic characters!”

          Shit’s dumb.




          I can absolutely say that in one breath when you’re not letting everyone with talent a seat at the table because of superficial reasons. There is nothing wrong with filling a checklist if you pick someone that is talented enough to carry and make the role theirs. Things change. In any adaptation.

          For instance look at all the idiots complaining about Issa Rae being cast as Spider-Woman in Spider-verse 2, but overlooking the fact that what the comics did to Gwen is much worse. “Who cares if one of the most important deaths in comics history was retconned, let’s instead whine about a black woman voicing a cartoon!”

          Also, like what you will, but the Fox X-men films are mostly terribly adaptations of beloved property short changing great characters like Cyclops, Storm, Rogue, and Colossus. It had its time, it even had its soft reboot, now its time to let the folks that have been patiently waiting two decades for it to be redone with a bit more care and not have it the team be overshadowed by Wolverine at nearly ever turn.



          sorry to post all these, but I have always loved comics and am fascinated by motion comics. Would be cool to see something like it in theaters. In a way, I kind of thought Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse came very close and they did a good job on it.


          Back to the Future

          Men in Black

          Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 1

          Avengers Infinity War

          Rouge One

          Spider-man into the Spider-verse

          Spies in Disguise

          Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle


          I’m tired of Disney’s CGI movies. They all look the same with little to no variations. Almost every character looks the exact same and Disney/Pixar has a weird obsession of putting these cartoony CGI characters into realistic environments and it doesn’t mesh well at all. If they do make a CGI Star Wars movie, I probably won’t care unless it tried something different or innovative like Spider-Verse or The Lego Movie.


            I love Star Wars and Digimon, so for my top favorites i have to say the Star Wars The Clone Wars and Digimon movies.

            Also really loved Spider-man: Into The Spider-verse

            Ice-Age is a childhood favorite

            And a surprise favorite for me is Onward, i’m not the biggest Disney/Pixar fan, so i really wasn’t expecting to be crying my eyes out by the end of that movie

            • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by DigiCat.

            Disney: The Lion King, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Aladdin, Mulan

            Dreamworks: Shrek 1 & 2, Kung Fu Panda 1 & 2, How t Train Your Dragon trilogy, The Prince of Egypt

            Pixar: Toy Story 1, 2, and 3, The Incredibles, Up

            Warner Bros: The Lego Movie, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, The Iron Giant

            Sony: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse

            Don Bluth: The Secret of Nimh

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