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  • #324584

      I added it to my wishlist and followed it.  Looks like BBS games I used to love to play.


      It’s you that’s getting your info from TV. None of the bomb threats even came from within the USA.

      False, I rarely watch TV these days. I will ask until you stop running away, do you think Trump using TV as his source is worth criticism? And the second statement is also false a majority of the bomb threats are from abroad but not all. And still, it is due to Trump’s irresponsible rhetoric.

      The insurance rate thing I am not getting from TV because I do not get my information from TV. What I am referring to is an actual testimony from a boots on the ground citizen at a city council meeting.

      The Ohio State Highway Patrol report says otherwise. Basing arguments on anecdotes is a weak strategy. What if my friend told me he has many friends who attended the same city council meeting and they say the crashes are caused by MAGA people trying to run over grandmas and children, would you believe it? Why don’t you tell your buddy to post the empirical evidence?

      One More thing about the bomb threats, if there were any, Dewine already has a track record of betrayal of his own citizens, so he can just outsource those threats at any time to further the character attacks on Americans that have been going on this whole time

      Trump already has a track record of betrayal of his own citizens, so he can just outsource fake assassination attempts to boost his image. Conspiracy theories and speculations are no arguments.

      You seem to refuse to answer anything with substance. The arguments are all just “well maybe this can be possible scenario because it fits my narrative” or “my friend’s neighbor has a cousin who saw it on Facebook”. I know fighting against facts and stats is always going to be an uphill battle but whatever happened to the right being about facts and logic? now it’s just feelings, wishes and heresay.

      Is the earth flat or round? Answer this




      Mayorkas of Homeland Security was a board member of HIAS. For some reason, just found out yesterday. Not reported on by TV.

      Ann Coulter talked about how Joy Reid was not ADOS, but got a spot reserved for American black descendants of slaves. Joy Reid is of Hatian descent. Can’t even watch the news now without thinking about her eating pets.


      Not sure what people are expecting. I thought it was typical of a debate. One thing I kind of wish he would have done was go after the whole “Joy” thing when there is no joy in high prices on everything. He should have said the prices under me were more “joy” in that they were less expensive, so he’s the candidate of “joy.” Another thing he could have pounced on was when she said she was all about you, like she cares about Americans. No one who cares has open borders like this. No one who cares would have these outrageous prices on everything.

      It’s all become boring. Ramzpaul and Styx have become boring, too. Bibi and Zelensky fleeced and looted this country. There was a chemical spill in Ohio before the Haitians. There are fires in California. There was that bridge, Francis Scott Key bridge, that was struck and collapsed in Maryland. I heard there have been a bunch of them. The wars though. Bibi and Zelensky get like all the money at all times and then, I’m supposed to act like some Chabad rapper cares about us?

      Due to Blackrock and Blackstone, everything looks ugly now. Is this what has become of the west, where everything we see looks like Dustborn or Concord? Even guys on the right are cross-dressing to mock the situation, but they look so ugly.

      The guy I’d rather listen to is Thomas Massie. Rand Paul became a ghost and is not outspoken enough. Some say Ted Cruz is gonna lose to some guy named Allred in Texas. Allred. Like Gloria Allred, who sets up men to steal from them her whole life.

      I thought Trump did fine. He’s an actual leader. Kamala was propped up by 2 stiffs from a discredited media that is archaic history by this point. It’s like looking back decades to watch things on these old networks that pummel you with ads and commercials and their opinions. After Bubba Wallace, Jussie Smollet, Kyle Rittenhouse, the war lies and all the covid lies, I have zero interest in any network. There was no turnover. It’s the same “Brought to You by Pfizer!” media heads. All would gladly lethally inject you for some more ad revenue. In addition to the stiff, uptight moderators, Kamala even had an earpiece, so the whole deep state apparatus could advise her and Trump took them all on.

      A LOT of these companies- Disney especially- seem to be under the delusion that this generation wants all this DEI bs in their entertainment. All this generation just wants is to be entertained like every other generation before them. Yes there’s a few airheads out there that want the opposite but that’s few and far in between. I was watching a bunch of teens play on the MegaDrive and the SNES on the React channel and they were clearly having so much fun with those “older games”. They enjoyed the competition and challenging gameplay of them and they didn’t mind the pixilated graphics. At the end of the vids, most of them were in agreement that they wished that modern games were like this.


      Nope, I usually buy them the moment they’re on my wish list lol. I only have them on there if I happen to be away for a while just to remind me what I’m after. I just recently downloaded ‘Spirit City Lofi Sessions’ which is basically a casual wellbeing game where you can listen to lofi style music and create your own lofi avatar. It’s actually quite relaxing. Not bad for a game that was £6.99 and 3GB. Yes this is my one lol.



      It’s an interesting question to ponder. What if we’ve become the other side of the same coin. For so long the left has hated many things just because they had religious undertones (creed for example). It became cool to hate stuff in those circles, a part of their brain just went irate if watching works from other groups and they wouldn’t be able to see the good in it even if there was talent and hard work put into a production.

      It’s such a crazy divided world we live in now, with people hard wired to like things that cater to their ideology.

      Wish we could get back to just liking good stuff without any accusations of bigotry or communism.

      That said, I can’t bring myself to even give this show a chance. Season one was too egregious. That’s where I draw the line. You shit on Tolkien, you sacrifice all that was good and true leading up to now to impress your commie friends. I’m out. I don’t give a shit how good it might end up being we have a duty the future of humanity not to abide subversive trash.


        Am I the only one like this?  I play the same game or 1 mostly to relax.  I snag games on my wish list on sale. And then I end up not playing them.  I have probably 10 or more.


        What about you?


        Rings Of Power Season 2 Is Actually Good, But Why?
        I watched a few reviews from different people & I am starting to really believe there is a thing called Overly negative reviews. Rings Of Power Season 1 was not great at all. Watching a single episode was a drudge, like going in to work. I gave it a bad review. I was ready for the same experience with Rings Of Power Season 2…but that never happened in the 1st 2 episodes.
        This is all I watched so far & this is what the video is about. I strongly believe the reason why the 1st season failed was because each episode was written by a community of writers. Only 2 episodes of Rings Of Power Season 1 were written by 1 writer, the rest had 2 to even 4 writers working on it & as a result, we got a terrible show that was hard to point the finger at WHO caused it to be so bad.
        Now looking at Rings Of Power Season 2, all but 2 episodes were written by 1 person & the 2 that weren’t were by only 2 writers. I honestly don’t think a show needs more than 1 or 2 writers but whatever. So the episodes are less scatterbrained, which makes them easier to watch. The 2nd thing is that in at least the 1st 2 episodes of Rings Of Power Season 2, the arrogance is gone. Even Galadriel is tamed & can be easier to watch. She is not the Girl B*tch Boss she was in the 1st season of Rings Of Power. That goes a long way as well. Those 2 things combined in my opinion made the show miles better & easier to watch, so that is how I am reviewing this episode.

        Will Rings Of Power Season 2 betray that, maybe but until then, I will always be fair & praise/trash accordingly. 2 things of note, I do think the actor they chose for Sauron is an excellent fit, he has more range than I expected. Adar, the actor from Rings Of Power Season 1 has been replaced with a less imposing actor that I don’t think has the chops or presence of the original Adar. Lastly…should we expect an actual Lord Of The Rings show true to Tolkein? NO. I am Ok with adding their own spin to things, as long as it is in the spirit of the lore. But changing things that rework how some things were designed, not so much. I am referring to The Orcs. We’ll get there when we get to that episode.
        I wish people would be more honest in their reviews instead of trying to twist every scene to fit your negative narrative for the negative fanbase/following you amassed. There is good in everything, just like there is bad in everything we consume.
        Thank you for watching.


        In reply to: Songs that move you

        Song hits hard.
        Wish Wes could’ve been saved.


        Thanks for sharing Suno and now, Udio. Will check it out. I took to Suno right away after your suggestion and really appreciate it. It’s cathartic for me. That ragtime piano player embraced it and did not shy away from it, like other musicians. Like you said, I am sick of cookie cutter clones and I grew up on Donald Fagen and Billy Joel, so, I’d rather listen to ragtime piano than what we are given now, which are autotune karaoke singers produced by DJs. Sometimes, I cannot tell if even one instrumentalist or musician in involved in pop music.

        Same kind of feeling about the Susan song, but she banned too many people that I followed. None of them were in any kind of violation. Their language and thoughts were clean. Owen Benjamin and Vox Day are just two examples of many I could cite that I would watch at random. Success on a big tech platform is fleeting. Like a chip implanted in you, they can shut you off with the flip of a switch, so if you are successful on their platform, they act like it’s a digital plantation and that they own you. The EU and UK are acting like that now, too.

        Wish I could follow your youtube channel. Up until a few weeks ago, I was on that account for like, ten years! They finally dropped me over nothing I can discern, which tells me there is a dissident purge over the election. The most pathetic thing about that is that my account was small. Like this forum, what I say doesn’t matter that much, so why censor speech of the little guy? Makes no sense. Let the comments sections flow. They used to say to let the data flow and now, they use data who shut people up and arrest people.

        Anyway, I’d follow all of you guys If I Could. Will check out Udio. Hoping for more Ai stuff from smart people like you, who actually brought something to the table.

        Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 02-58-59 Vox Popoli


          how is it applying propaganda to be agnostic about the situation? If there is strong evidence it was some orchestrated deep state plan then I might believe it, right now I find it as believable as it being a staged shooting to make Trump look stronger.
          Well I appreciate you adhering the sanity on that one, clearly not staged as that really makes no sense.  I did entertain that thought myself and stepped through it in my head and in my mind that is silly and would be out of character from Trump himself.  He can be a wingnut but I have not observed him practicing any subterfuge.

          I called your statement propaganda because you are doing what you typically do, just parroting the mainstream narrative.  Now maybe you thought about it and it makes sense to you.  But maybe it’s because you are not listening to anything else and your pool of info to think from is shallow.

          I am very logical, I do not parrot.  If you go through what occurred there is essentially no chance there were that many failings without at least some of them being intentional.  Am I saying everyone there was on the payroll, no.  But I think some were.  It only takes a few.

          I did hear a guy who worked with the SS and explained that they have serious  DEI capability issues and their capability is compromised and he explained how it is possible for some of that to have happened through incompetence.  But even he could not explain that many failures.

          So, there is a difference between orchestrating something and letting it happen.

          I do not believe the kid that was killed did this on his own and I believe he was taken advantage of by someone.

          Wishing death on someone and carrying it out does take a whole different mindset.
          Not at all.  It just takes a lack of moral fiber such that you believe some or all humans deserve to die and you are OK carrying that out.  Killing one or more people does not at all require lunacy or mental illness.  I will assert most of the time at this point it does not involve mental illness.

          For example.  I find abortion abhorrent and I consider it murder.  You do not.  Why?  Because you believe it is not a person you are ending the life of.  That thin line of humanity is what assigns the value of life, it is the only barrier to seeing value in others.  If that becomes mailable or relative, then you get Hitler, Mao and Stalin at some point because people will bend it to their will.  Same thing has happened with morality, once it became relative it ceased to exist because a standard cannot be relative.

          • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Vknid.
          • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Vknid.

          In reply to: Paris Olympics

          He is not a woman. He is a male who was born with deformed or missing genitalia. That condition is known as “intersex.”

          this is nothing but speculations. You can be a biological female with female genitals and biology but xy chromosomes.

          also, that is not exclusively what intersex is.

          Why can’t the media be objective and just report the facts? Those days are over.

          you are all running wild with nothing but a behind closed door statement from a russian state backed organization, I wish we could at least operate according to what is confirmed. You already said she had high testosterone level when the report stated that was not a part of the test, so you are doing the exact same thing running with your narrative.


          Let me ask you this: should biological females, with female genitals but xy chromosomes be able to participate? Also, what gender are intersex people? What determines their gender?


          No, that’s applying propaganda.

          how is it applying propaganda to be agnostic about the situation? If there is strong evidence it was some orchestrated deep state plan then I might believe it, right now I find it as believable as it being a staged shooting to make Trump look stronger.

          Also, wishing death on someone and or carrying it out is not perma linked to insanity or any mental anything.  Violent crime in all forms is almost always a moral failing.

          Wishing death on someone and carrying it out does take a whole different mindset.



            My answer would be some random lunatic, but that’s just me applying occam’s razor

            No, that’s applying propaganda.

            Occam’s razor would dictate preferring simplicity so either we are to believe 1 single young man with no external resources devised a dastardly plot and was able to carry it out due to the unexplained and deep failings of multiple federal and local agencies prior to AND during the event, or it was something allowed to occur with their knowledge on one more more levels.

            One of those is fairly simple, one is not.

            Also, wishing death on someone and or carrying it out is not perma linked to insanity or any mental anything.  Violent crime in all forms is almost always a moral failing.


            • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by Vknid.
            • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by Vknid.
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