Silent Hill 2 Remake Changes Female Characters

The video game industry continues to stamp out beauty wherever it may roam. Yesterday, Sony aired its PlayStation State of Play event for 2024, and one of the game trailers shown was for the remake of Silent Hill 2. Fans of the horror game series noticed something about Angela, one of the characters from the game who looks different in her new and improved modern guise. Learning the Law demonstrates how much she’s been changed for the Silent Hill 2 remake:

At this point, anyone who insists there’s no pattern here is either lying or willfully ignorant. There is a push to downgrade the beauty of various female video game characters, with Angela just the latest example. Moreover, the graphics don’t even look as good in the remake, with Angela being more lifelike in the original PlayStation 2 game from 2001. I’ve never played the Silent Hill games (which is probably why I didn’t notice this when watching State of Play yesterday), but looking into it, it appears Angela has a horrific backstory involving rape, which proponents of this are suggesting is the reason why her looks were changed. I don’t know what that has to do with anything, and the images I’ve seen of the original Angela aren’t sexualized; she just has a pretty face. But all that aside, this isn’t happening in a vacuum, so I don’t buy that as the reason. It isn’t even just Angela in Silent Hill 2 – a character named Maria also got a makeunder:

 As for the source of the character change, Learning the Law has an idea about that, too:

You can check out Hit Detection’s website if you like; it’s full of “diversity” and “representation” buzzwords before you scroll down the home page. So, this is the same thing we’ve seen many times recently, just with a different consulting firm, like a game of Whac-A-Mole. However, it’s not just the consultants; according to Bounding Into Comics, the chief marketing officer of the game’s developer, Bloober, said that the Silent Hill 2 remake would be “applying adjustments to certain areas where things need modernizing due to the passage of time.” This is the larger problem; if the developers didn’t want this stuff in their games, the consulting firms wouldn’t get hired. So, until the rest of the industry changes its tune, this will continue to be the norm for video games.

Comments (1)

May 31, 2024 at 6:10 pm

I just saw a Doctor Disaster video talking about this. Apparently, according to his latest video, he didn’t say it was Sweet Baby Inc but it WAS a similar consulting firm.

I still have my original copy of Silent Hill 2 B – ) So, ah, to quote Simon Cowell oj this remake, “It’s a no from me.” B – )

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