Snow White Budget Reportedly Balloons and Rachel Zegler Annoys Fans Again

Snow White may be in more trouble than anyone thought, and it wasn’t exactly perceived as a surefire hit. The remake of Disney’s first feature-length animated film (and one of the most beloved movies of all time), Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, has had trouble for some time, beginning with the images of Snow White’s seven… forest pirates, or whatever the dwarf stand-ins were. The change from dwarfs was made after Peter Dinklage decided having dwarfs in the film offended him, but the replacements looked so awful and were ridiculed so mercilessly that the release date was delayed, and reshoots inserted CGI dwarfs; those were also ridiculed. Meanwhile, Rachel Zegler, the actress playing Snow White, managed to piss off everyone alive with her nasty, dismissive, condescending attitude towards the original film and her co-star.

In a recent video, WDW Pro – whose guest was That Park Place editor-in-chief John F. Trent – said that a trusted source told him Snow White was reshot three times and is still being reworked. The focal points of the reshoots, according to Pro’s source, are the dwarfs, the “color palette,” and the atmosphere; the latter two are intended to make Snow White brighter and more kid-friendly, as some early complaints from test audiences were that it’s too dark and not suitable for children. Amusingly, another rumor is that Disney hired a younger actress to shoot scenes as Snow White in her childhood to lessen Rachel Zegler’s screen time, considering how disgusted with her the public is. But the biggest rumor from Pro’s source, which he says he expects to be verified shortly, is that the Snow White budget, which was already close to $300 million, is now approaching $500 million after the reshoots. Disney is trying to finish the film as cheaply as possible in the next few months, but whatever happens, this will be a costly movie that is likely to bomb. You can see Pro’s video below:

But Snow White’s troubles don’t end there. Rachel Zegler did an interview with Variety in which she once again painted herself as a victim and derided Disney’s “toxic fans,” saying she’s seen “women get torn down my whole life, my whole career,” and that this is what was happening to her. This, of course, comes after she claims she never said there wouldn’t be a love story in Snow White. You see, it’s your fault for not understanding that she wasn’t saying what she said, and that of course, there’s a love story in the new Snow White. She also says that the meaning of the name “Snow White” has changed and now refers to a snowstorm she survived when she was born rather than her “skin as white as snow.” (Zegler says this in line with an earlier version of the Snow White fairy tale, but the version she appears to be referring to still mentions Snow White has having “skin as white as snow,” with the snowstorm making her mother wish for a child with that skin tone.)

So, Rachel Zegler is the same annoying Hollywood jerk we all figured she was. It’s kind of amazing Disney isn’t trying to keep a lid on her; with all the money they’re sinking into Snow White, you’d think they’d want to stop the bad press they’re getting from Zegler. And she’s blatantly lying; in that infamous interview, she said the actor playing Prince Charming could be cut out of the film entirely, which suggests the love story either isn’t there or is so minuscule that it barely registers. As always, Hollywood and their media mouthpieces are gaslighting the fans. As for the film’s budget, I don’t know why Disney is even bothering. The movie is almost certainly going to bomb; as bad as those dwarf replacements were, spending the money to insert the dwarfs is only going to make the film’s losses bigger. All the CGI in the world isn’t going to make Rachel Zegler shut up.

Let us know what you think of the Snow White budget or Rachel Zegler’s new interview in the comments!


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Comments (2)

October 4, 2024 at 12:37 am

True love has been replaced by ego. Rachel definitely a mirror for the message that has been sent in our time. Gotta wonder how many lives have been screwed up by Hollyweird? It’s reflected in the metrics and analytics of the country with birth rates and divorce rates and such. Rachel is not the only one. You can hear even younger voices speak like this. Psyopped ruined humans. Without love, what’s the point of it all? Even the top careers with legacy are forgotten is a generation or two because there is no attention span. Even the biggest iconic names of classic Hollywood have vanished, for the most part. Chato had a good bit on that a few videos back, but can’t even recall the names he mentioned.

    October 5, 2024 at 8:26 pm

    I’ve seen a few videos talk about it over the last few years. It’s true; the romantic love story is being pushed out of entertainment, and I think it’s one of the main reasons why nobody connects with these stories. They’re not as human as they once were, and they’re forcing one of the most elemental aspects of humanity out of their stories. And Disney goes even further than that, as I’ve noticed that they’re attacking the idea of devotional love. Like Ant-Man 3; what was the point of having Janet Van Dyne say she slept with half the guys in the Quantum Realm? To undermine the idea that she and Hank loved each other so much that it transcended tragedy, logic, and reality itself until they were reunited. Having that stupid “joke” in She-Hulk about Steve Rogers sleeping with a chorus girl is the same thing; it undermines his devotion to Peggy. It’s insidious and evil.

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