Now that they’ve tackled Kathleen Kennedy and the Panderverse, Trey Parker and Matt Stone are setting their sights on weight loss pills. Today, South Park Studios released a trailer for the next South Park special made for Paramount+, South Park: The End of Obesity. In the brief trailer, Cartman’s doctor suggests he take Semaglutide, Ozempic, or Mounjaro (which are all real diabetes medications that are being used for weight loss), with Cartman happily offering himself up as a test subject for the drug, with help from Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Butters. Meanwhile, Randy sounds excited about “these new, crazy drugs people are doing” because of course he is. South Park: The End of Obesity will arrive on Paramount+ on May 24, 2024, which is next Friday, and you can see the trailer below:
This trailer wisely sells the premise for the new South Park special and little else. The idea of Cartman taking weight loss drugs – which, I’m sure, have enormous side effects, all of which I’m equally sure Cartman will ignore – is all we need to know. The concept is rife with potential for South Park’s brand of comedy, and I’m sure Matt and Trey will milk it for all it’s worth. Butter’s line about almost dying while“navigating the American healthcare system” is a great one, and Randy’s involvement makes me wonder if he’ll want to take these drugs or if he’ll see them as competition for his weed farm (or both). Maybe Randy and the boys will eventually team up to destroy this weight loss drug business. I’m glad they’re going after something completely different now that they’ve taken a big shot at woke Hollywood; South Park can make fun of pretty much anything and be hilarious, and I’m ready to laugh at its next target.