Sometimes, karma gives you a swift kick in the ass. That’s what’s currently happening to Star Wars Explained, the YouTube channel that tried to get Star Wars Theory, Nerdrotic, Ryan Kinel’s RK Outpost, and Geeks + Gamers demonetized on YouTube because they didn’t like The Acolyte… wait, sorry, I mean because they’re racists or whatever. Star Wars Explained was piggybacking on another attempt at demonetizing these channels by a podcast called Rewriting Ripley, which talks about feminism in pop culture and other things you wouldn’t listen to without a court order. As I and most others expected, Rewriting Ripley’s crusade failed almost immediately, with YouTube telling the people who don’t even have a YouTube channel that the channels that make money for their company could continue to do so. Rewriting Ripley’s indignant lamentation was pretty funny:
Additionally, I would like to point out, @TeamYouTube, that nobody in Star Wars fandom has requested select videos to be removed, simply that a handful of YouTube channels should be demonetized. The lack of clarity in your response to address our real concerns is appalling.
— Rewriting Ripley Pod (@rewritingripley) September 5, 2024
Mollie Damon, one of the stars of Star Wars Explained with her husband, Alex Damon, shared Rewriting Ripley’s open letter on her X account and voiced her support for demonetizing the channels. Again, nothing came of this, and now, everyone is just laughing at the latest tempest in a teapot from a bunch of self-righteous crybabies. Well, almost everyone; Star Wars Theory is pissed, and he’s going to the mattresses with the Damons, sharing plenty of information on X, exposing them as lying shills who will do anything for clout and money, stabbing him in the back with motives much less noble than the ones they claim. He made a video on the topic that you can see in Virginia’s article about this, and you can see some of his X posts below:
Trying to deplatform anyone over not liking a form of media is the most vile disgusting act there is.
To coordinate an attack like this, taking the innocent and creative life’s work of someone and twist it to slander them to YouTube, calling for demonitizatipn, so that they…
— StarWarsTheory (@realswtheory) September 9, 2024
I have many people who used to be friends with Alex and Mollie now DM’ing me private messages they would all have about me, proving where all this stems from.
Pure hatred and jealousy of me.I came into this space (2016) so kind to every SW creator and tbh felt embarrassed I…
— StarWarsTheory (@realswtheory) September 9, 2024
— StarWarsTheory (@realswtheory) September 9, 2024
Don’t worry Mollie, my next video will get lots of clicks and views, too.
— StarWarsTheory (@realswtheory) September 10, 2024
Even before getting into how duplicitous these two appear to be, I don’t blame Theory one bit for being so angry. He’s right: trying to ruin people’s businesses over something like this is despicable. The proper way to fight positions you don’t like is to make your own videos refuting them. If they don’t get the same number of hits, that’s the audience deciding what they agree with or want to support. Trying to destroy your competition is dirty, an attempt to create an echo chamber so your views can’t be refuted, and it’s the tactic of someone losing the argument in terms of the public. And you’re destroying someone’s life, which the Damons and whoever runs Rewriting Ripley are clearly comfortable doing. But Theory brought these cockroaches into the light, and now, everyone knows what they really are… and the results are satisfying. Check out this video from Yellowflash:
How do you like them apples? Geeks + Gamers, Nerdrotic, RK Outpost, and Star Wars Theory are all gaining subscribers by the thousands, while Star Wars Explained is losing subscribers and getting their videos ratioed. I’m sure they’ll whine about this, but it’s the same principle I was talking about: the market will decide what it agrees with. People generally seem to be disgusted with what Star Wars Explained and Rewriting Ripley tried to do to these channels, and they’re communicating their distaste in as visible a way as they can. Notice that nobody is trying to get Star Wars Explained demonetized; they’re just choosing whom they’d like to support and whom they wouldn’t. Ironically, this is exactly what happened with The Acolyte; you can blame YouTube videos all you want, but the truth is that the show didn’t appeal to enough people to warrant Disney funding another season. That’s how capitalism works; no wonder these people tend to hate it.
Let us know what you think of Star Wars Explained inadvertently getting Star Wars Theory, Geeks + Gamers, Nerdrotic, and RK Outpost more subscribers in the comments!
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I stay away from perverts, weirdos and kinks, especially, if they are guys. I don’t find them funny nor interesting. A lot of people have slipped into derangement because of the media, they are always performing or putting on an act in a plea for attention.
Star Wars Explained, Zelensky, Benny Drama, Milo and others like that who try to push warped things are the worst and do not belong in their positions.