Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Ends With a Predictable Whimper

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is finally over,  and it may have just retconned the element gamers hated most. The game, which put players in the shoes of the government-controlled team of villains as they fought Justice League members who’d been mind-controlled by Brainiac, was released just under a year ago, and it was a disaster of epic proportions. From bad gameplay to a story that disrespected some comic book legends to offering an ignominious end to the Batman Arkham video game franchise (of which the game was a part), Kill the Justice League seemed to piss off everyone who played it and a lot of people who didn’t bother. The fallout was massive, as it cost Warner Bros. a reported $200 million and put DEI consulting firm Sweet Baby Inc. on the map, as they were blamed for a lot of the insulting story elements. The lasting image from the game was Harley Quinn lecturing Batman on his problematic attitude towards crime before executing him on a park bench, which the developers somehow thought was a good idea that gamers would enjoy… because, you know, nobody really likes Batman.

So, the game was a massive failure, and subsequent add-ons and “seasons” did nothing but make the game look even worse, like a multiversal version of Mr. Freeze called Mrs. Freeze and a weird, effeminate version of the Joker. It got bad enough that Rocksteady announced it would end support for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League with the release of season 4, episode 8, which would tie up the storyline early. Well, that release happened today, and the big reveal was that the Justice League members the Squad killed in the main game were actually clones, and the real Superman, Batman, et al., were still alive, ready to kick Brainiac’s ass and save the day. (Wonder Woman is really dead, though, for some reason.) And the best part is that all of this is told in a motion comic – narrated by Harley Quinn – that looks cheap and awful, like it was thrown together at the last minute… probably because it almost certainly was. You can see the ending in all its lack of glory in the X post below, courtesy of a user called @slcmof:

I can’t imagine how badly the people who spent money on this game want to punch everyone on Earth right now. What a slap in the face to the paying customer this is. As @slcmof says in that post, they couldn’t even be bothered to animate a cutscene to finish the story. And the explanation for everything is, “Nevermind, they were clones, nothing mattered, fooled you.” In other words, the story they’re going with is that their big idea was to make people think the real Batman, Superman, the Flash, and whoever else Harley Quinn and her crew killed were the real heroes until some DLC content over a year later (as it was originally intended) told the real story? That’s asinine. To me, this feels like a desperate attempt to salvage the Batman Arkham franchise by undoing Batman’s death at Harley’s hands. It makes me think Warner Bros. mandated it after losing a ton of money on this debacle. Also, Batman just punches out Brainiac? Brainiac is supposed to be pretty damn powerful; I know he’s Batman and can defeat anyone (which, while I understand it’s mostly a joke, I can accept in a lot of circumstances), but it’d have been nice if they at least attempted to give his defeat of Brainiac a plausible explanation. Usually, it’s Batman’s mind that allows him to pull off these seemingly impossible feats. But, really, who even cares at this point? It’s a stupid, half-assed wrap-up to a complete disaster of a game, and I imagine anyone who’s been playing it is just glad it’s over. Here’s hoping the Batman Arkham series sees better days ahead.

Let us know what you think of the Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League ending in the comments!


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