Star Wars: The Clone Wars premiered during a very different time at Lucasfilm. The prequels had finished three years prior, and George Lucas was planning on moving into television. His goals were simple: To create a live-action TV show and 100 episodes of the CGI animated series. Although the live a...
Read MoreIt looks like The Mandalorian, the first live-action TV show in a galaxy far, far away, has finally announced its full cast. Although I’ve already written about how concerned I was that Gina Carano had joined the series, with the likes of Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad) and Werner Herzog (Jack R...
Read MoreWhen I heard Paul W. S. Anderson was making a Three Musketeers movie, I felt a mixture of intrigue and trepidation. The Three Musketeers, who originated in the classic novel by Alexandre Dumas, have a storied history on screen, whether it’s the myriad Disney versions (particularly one starring Chr...
Read MoreAccording to Collider, Tom Hanks is in early talks to portray Pinocchio’s father/creator, Gepetto, in the upcoming live-action remake; Paul King of Paddington fame is also attached to direct the feature. At this point, not much else is known about the project aside from what we can infer, and ...
Read MoreChris Pratt is about to follow in the footsteps of James Bond. Deadline exclusively reports that the actor is in early talks to headline a new film adaption of The Saint, the TV series based on the novels by Leslie Charteris featuring Simon Templar, the iconic character made famous by Roger Moore. I...
Read MoreIt’s rare that the words “Disney sequel” mean anything good. That being said, when it was revealed that directors Rich Moore and Phil Johnston were working on a sequel to Wreck-It-Ralph, I was pretty excited. Wreck-It Ralph wasn’t one of my very favorite Disney movies, and I found Va...
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