As Christmas approaches and 2023 winds down, Amazon gave us a stocking stuffer to end a mostly disappointing entertainment year on a high note: season 2 of Reacher, or at least the beginning of it. Based on Lee Child’s series of mystery novels, Reacher follows the exploits of Jack Reacher, a form...
Read MoreAmazon announced a renewal for Good Omens’ third and final season this Thursday. This surreal dramedy follows the exploits of angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) and demon Crowley (David Tennant), now exiled from Heaven and Hell, respectively, as they work together to stave off the apocalypse. Check...
Read MoreAmazon is wading into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Today, the streamer released a trailer for Fallout, the upcoming adaptation of the popular video game series. Written by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, Fallout follows a group of characters 200 years after a nuclear war turned the world into a waste...
Read MoreThis Christmas, DC Animation is giving us a gift that will make us wish for coal. Amazon has released a trailer for Merry Little Batman, an upcoming animated Christmas movie set in the DC Universe. Merry Little Batman finds Damian Wayne left alone at Christmastime while Batman responds to a Justice...
Read MoreIf you need a shot of testosterone after spending November with The Marvels (assuming you’re one of the few people who’s going to watch it), Jack Reacher’s got you covered. Today, Amazon released a trailer for season 2 of its action series Reacher. Based on the long-running series of novels b...
Read MoreBefore we really get into it, I just wanted to express my cautious excitement at Gen V’s renewal at Amazon Prime Video. I’m enjoying the show so far and doubt the next three episodes will bring a solid overall conclusion. I’m glad to hear that they’re already planning the next season. What...
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