Tag: Animation

Is Disney Bad?

Lately, something has been annoying me a lot. When you hear kids talk about Disney, it’s probably about characters or productions that they like. With adults, it can be that, or it can be talking about how evil and greedy corporate Disney is, or what bad messages/role models they put in their ...

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Lucasfilm Drops Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures on an Unsuspecting Internet

Yesterday afternoon, Lucasfilm announced a new animation project to be released this very November 30th, 2018. Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures will be released in the new Star Wars Kids site and its new YouTube channel. These shorts will focus on the original Star Wars trilogy for the time being, mi...

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Cowboy Bebop Live-Action Series Coming to Netflix

It looks like we’re about to see the Space Cowboy in a whole new way. Deadline is reporting that Netflix has ordered a live-action adaptation of legendary anime Cowboy Bebop, picking up a ten episode season from Midnight Radio, Sunrise, and Tomorrow Studios, the latter of whom began developing th...

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REVIEW: Star Wars Resistance – Season 1, Episode 9 “The Platform Classic”

*Spoilers* In “The Platform Classic,” Tam encourages Kaz and Neeku to get to work so that Yeager will allow the three to watch the eponymous race. Yeager comes in announcing that Doza wants to meet with him. They all go, and Doza asks Yeager to compete in the race; at first, he declines, but Doz...

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REVIEW: Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018)

It’s rare that the words “Disney sequel” mean anything good. That being said, when it was revealed that directors Rich Moore and Phil Johnston were working on a sequel to Wreck-It-Ralph, I was pretty excited. Wreck-It Ralph wasn’t one of my very favorite Disney movies, and I found Va...

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REVIEW: Star Wars Resistance – Season 1, Episode 8 “Synara’s Score”

*Spoilers* In “Synara’s Score,” Yeager receives a message from Doza that pirates will be attacking soon. Yeager tasks Neeku with staying in the shop working all day and sends Tam and Kaz to get a tracker chip. After being unable to find it affordably, Kaz asks Synara for help findi...

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