A Variety exclusive has revealed a brand new poster and casting information for the Disney+ Phineas and Ferb revival. Following the 2020 Disney+ original movie Phineas and Ferb: Candace Against The Universe, rumors swirled regarding a full continuation of the series that initially ran from 2007 to...
Read More1995 saw the release of the first cinematic Studio Ghibli film not directed by either Isao Takahata or Hayao Miyazaki. Whisper of the Heart is more grounded and toned-down than many of the studio’s more famous efforts. The movie follows a young girl’s day-to-day life in a pretty honest, believab...
Read MoreMost of the time, the movies I watch and review are the ones I’ve been waiting for, either because they looked good or because of who was involved in making them. I rarely watch things I haven’t heard of on a whim because, like most people, I’m busy and there’s already so much I want &hellip...
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