Penguins of Madagascar is the final film in the Madagascar franchise so far. Taking a page from Puss in Boots‘ book, the 2014 release focuses on the series’ comedic sidekicks, exploring their backstory and sending them on their own journey. The penguins also had a similarly titled TV ser...
Read MoreI don’t want to jinx it (and Lord knows it’s never been easier to jinx a good thing), but I think Marvel’s new animated series may have found its groove. “What If… Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?” has much more in common with last week’s universe-altering hypothetic...
Read MoreAfter plugging yesterday’s leak with some well-placed webbing, Sony has released the first Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer. The third (kind of) solo Spidey film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man: No Way Home sees Peter Parker team with Doctor Strange to contend with the multiverse, incl...
Read MoreMarvel Studio’s head Kevin Feige revealed in Rolling Stone’s upcoming oral history of WandaVision that a Doctor Strange appearance was cut due to the character’s race and power. “Some people might say, ‘Oh, it would’ve been so cool to see Dr. Strange,'” ...
Read MoreSpider-Man is about to be crawling up the wall of the Sanctum Sanctorum. An exclusive from The Hollywood Reporter reveals that Benedict Cumberbatch will portray Doctor Strange in the next Spider-Man movie. According to the report, Strange will serve as a mentor to Spidey much in the same way Tony St...
Read MoreScott Derrickson’s Marvel replacement may be an old hand at superhero cinema. Variety exclusively reports that Sam Raimi is in talks with Marvel to direct Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Raimi helped start the superhero movie boom of the 2000s with Spider-Man in 2002 and its two seque...
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