Tag: Captain Marvel

Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel: White Supremacists’ Waifu?

Brie Larson has created a lot of controversy this year. Her public statements and appearances in tabloids and interviews have been even more controversial than the Captain Marvel movie itself. The actress has stated that she plans to use her privilege as part of the Hollywood elite and her platforms...

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3 Problems With Avengers: Endgame and How to Fix Them

Since its release, Avengers: Endgame has swept the internet, along with everything else on Earth (I’m pretty sure the Senate asked Barr what his favorite Iron Man moment was at one point), and nobody can stop talking about it. This week I appeared on Fresh Geek Context, a great podcast that talks ...

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Comics In Crisis – What Happened To Comic Books?

“Whatever happened to comic books?” This is a question that has been on the minds of fans of the medium for several years now, but only recently has it begun to receive more attention. A combination of factors has brought us to where we are today: local comic book shops shutting down at a geomet...

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REVIEW: Captain Marvel (2019)

Here we are with another entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Following the events of Avengers: Infinity War, MCU fans are impatiently waiting to see what happens next. Before we get to Avengers: Endgame, our last stop is introducing Captain Marvel. During the post-credit scene for Infinity W...

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Captain Marvel, Rotten Tomatoes and Your Consumer Rights

Pop culture has never been through so much in so little time. The entertainment industry, in general, can’t seem to control the news anymore. Corporatism’s ugly side in these businesses is becoming unmasked like never before. Comic books, video games, trading cards, movies, TV shows̷...

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All the Super Bowl Entertainment Commercials

Super Bowl LIII aired yesterday to – if the reactions in the bar where I watched it are any indication – the occasional cheer and groan, but mostly silence as the game slowly ran its course. The good news is, even when a Super Bowl is less than thrilling, there are always the commercials to &hel...

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