Based on the novel Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine, American Horror Story: Delicate follows Anna Victoria Alcott (Emma Roberts), a woman desperate to have a baby. The trailers and posters have been nothing if not cryptic, hinting only at the involvement of spiders and pregnancy. AHS and...
Read MoreToday, FX/Hulu released yet another poster for American Horror Story season 12, “Delicate.” This one features Cara Delevigne’s character poking out from curtains. Check it out here: I like this poster, although I’d like to know more about the upcoming season of American Horror Story. The s...
Read MoreThe title “Delicate” and some cast members have been known for a while now, but today posters were released for season 12 of American Horror Story. Emma Roberts’, Kim Kardashian’s, and, finally, Cara Delevigne’s character posters can be seen here: “Delicate”...
Read More***SPOILERS*** “Battle Lines” finds Tourmaline realizing the extent of her powers. Leonora asks Vignette to join the New Dawn so the Ravens will follow. Imogen wonders if she should address parliament. Philo asks Tourmaline to cast a spell to draw the sparas out. Millworthy is going to a...
Read More***SPOILERS*** In “Kindred,” the New Dawn is attacked by the Pact. Meanwhile, Dombey breaks up an anti-fae protest and beseeches Philo to trust him. Once released in the Row, Philo gets into a brawl with three fae guys. Darius comes to his rescue before he’s killed, but he is beate...
Read More***SPOILERS*** In “Reckoning,” Vignette stands trial in a human court, surrounded by jeers and insults, as Philo recruits Kaine to rescue her. Winetrout informs the Chancellor of Sophie’s machinations. The Pactish ambassador continues to question Millworthy’s intentions. Tour...
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