Tag: Catharine Tate

Doctor Who Christmas Specials Ranked

For the Whovians and Whooligans of the world, few things exemplify the Christmas spirit and Christmastime more than the Doctor Who Christmas Specials. Marrying this franchise with this holiday may have at first seemed an odd choice back when Russell T. Davies made it a staple of the series. Yet, upo...

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The 15th Doctor’s Costume Revealed

The future of the Doctor Who franchise is in a very precarious situation. Tentative excitement or total black-pilling are both entirely warranted at this point, considering its recent history. For every positive announcement, such as Millie Gibson’s casting, the new logo, or the return of Christma...

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Doctor Who: Tennant Regenerated into His New Costume to Avoid Drag Connotations, Says RTD

The newly Disneyfied Doctor Who is only a year away from release, with three “hour-long spectacular” 60th-Anniversary specials coming in November of 2023. These episodes will likely answer some of the prevailing questions left from “The Power of the Doctor,” such as why The Doctor regenerate...

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Trans Doctor Who Actress Says Her Casting “Will Change the World”

The spiritual successor to 2021’s Eternals is hitting small screens and Disney+ in the fall of next year with the “world-changing” performance of Yasmin Finney in Doctor Who. Once again, performances and writing will be of low quality; only the diversity included in the project m...

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