In 1997, the only film ever created by Turner Feature Animation was released under Warner Bros. Animation. Cats Don’t Dance was a spectacular box office bomb and mostly flew under the radar at the time of its initial release. For that matter, the film is still relatively obscure, despite a star-st...
Read MorePaul Rudd might be ‘fraid of some ghosts, as Sony has released what they’re calling a “character reveal” from the upcoming Ghostbusters: Afterlife. This will be the third Ghostbusters film in the main series and the fourth overall if you count the Paul Feig remake/reboot/whatever from 2016 (...
Read MoreWhen they started advertising the Harley Quinn animated show as part of the DC Universe app, I was not impressed. Adult-oriented animated series are hit-or-miss for me, as I find they often lean too far into comedy for my taste. The animation style didn’t appeal to me, but more importantly, I ...
Read MoreIn 2007, following the release of Shrek the Third, DreamWorks Animation would do the unthinkable and make a film that’s arguably even worse. The meme formerly known as Bee Movie is a 90-minute adventure comedy starring Jerry Seinfeld as a bee named Barry. The film was a middling box office suc...
Read MoreAs director James Gunn promised on his Twitter feed, a red-band trailer for The Suicide Squad arrived online today. Also joining the advertising campaign are some individual character posters – and one outstanding ensemble one. A sequel to David Ayer’s 2016 Suicide Squad (though minus a number i...
Read More2007 reminds me a lot of 2004 in terms of DreamWorks Animation’s cinematic output. In both years, they released a Shrek sequel in May and in the fall, a comedy featuring anthropomorphic animals starring a well-known comedian. We’ll talk about Bee Movie next time, but one big difference between t...
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