Tag: comic books

Is Warner Bros. Replacing Ezra Miller in The Flash?

The Flash may be changing his face at the speed of light. ScreenGeek exclusively reports that, in the wake of Ezra Miller’s nasty habit of assaulting people, Warner Bros. is “considering their options” for the upcoming DCEU movie The Flash, in which Miller portrays the titular Fastest Man Aliv...

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REVIEW: The Flash – Season 8, Episode 13 “Death Falls”

There’d been whispers that “Death Falls” would feature a big event, specifically a death. My mind went to several bad places, wondering if The Flash would lose another instrumental character, someone we’d grown to love over the years. What happens is big, sad, and impactful in ways both pers...

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REVIEW: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)

The highly anticipated sequel to 2016’s Doctor Strange, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, was released into theaters this weekend, bringing along with it all the typical Marvel fanfare. This film marks the third first introduction of the multiverse to the MCU, contradicting all the prio...

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REVIEW: Superman & Lois – Season 2, Episode 11 “Truth and Consequences”

The Superman family (which is easier than saying “the Kent/Lanes”) have been on a bumpy path this season. “Truth and Consequences” takes the characters one step forward and two steps back, but not in a bad way. Their progression is playing out realistically – inasmuch as a show about flyin...

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Amanda Waller Series in Development at HBO Max

The TV branch of the DCEU is sticking with the Suicide Squad. Pivoting off the success of Peacemaker, Warner Bros. Television and HBO Max are developing a new series, this one centering on Amanda Waller. Waller is the head of ARGUS and the mastermind behind the Suicide Squad – the woman with her f...

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DC’s Super-Pets Save the Justice League in New Trailer

Pet lovers and DC animation fans rejoice! Warner Bros. has released another trailer for its animated League of Super-Pets movie. This trailer offers a better glimpse at the movie’s iteration of the Justice League and reveals more of the story. Directed by Jared Stern and Sam Levine, League of S...

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