In today’s era, comics are becoming measurably less fun, more ideologically driven, or just plain dreary. The rare gem of a book that allows the reader to come away with a sense of hope is now just that much more of a diamond in the rough. There are times when heroes must be pushed to …
The Flash doing a James Bond homage should be right up my alley, but “License to Elongate” left me cold. Not nearly as funny or clever as it thinks it is, this week’s episode is a snooze that does almost nothing to further the plot or develop the characters. It doesn’t even get the reference...
Read More*UPDATE* Deadline is now saying they have sources denying that the Joker sequel news, as well as Todd Phillips’ desire to make other DC movies, is true. The Hollywood Reporter also has multiple sources. We’ll have to wait and see, I supposed, but if Deadline is right, could Warner Bros. ...
Read More“Little Fear of Lightning” suggests that Watchmen’s best episodes will be the ones that aren’t focused on Angela Abar. This week puts Looking Glass under the… let’s got with “microscope,” and manages to be a marked improvement over the previous installment, and even a little better t...
Read MoreThis week’s episode of Watchmen is called “If You Don’t Like My Story Write Your Own” because of course it is. It’s smug, condescending, obnoxious, self-aware to a fault, and both an acknowledgment and dismissal of the audience dissatisfaction Damon Lindelof knew was coming. In other words...
Read MoreWith Future Team Arrow joining Oliver and Co. in the present, I couldn’t wait to see what the producers bought us in “Present Tense” as the farewell run of Arrow continued its trek toward the crossover and, subsequently, the series finale. *SPOILERS* “Present Tense” begins ...
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