Spider-Man is swinging by to give us a glimpse at a post-Avengers: Endgame world via a new trailer for the highly anticipated sequel Spider-Man: Far From Home. As Peter Parker himself, Tom Holland, warns you before the trailer, there are huge spoilers for Avengers: Endgame, so don’t watch if you h...
Read More*SPOILERS* When we last left our heroes, Nora had been channeling her… negative emotions involving her father dumping her back in the future and his seeming unwillingness to forgive her deception in working with Eobard Thawne. Now that Nora is running using Thawne’s Negative Speed Force, she’s...
Read More*SPOILERS* This week on Arrow, we see the return of a fan-favorite character who hasn’t been seen, at least in the present, in quite some time. With the help of an algorithm developed by Felicity, Team Arrow tracks down potential locations where Emiko and her Ninth Circle followers may be plotting...
Read MoreEver since Super Friends, I’ve been a fan of the DC heroes, most especially Batman and Superman. While I’m partial to the former, I’ve always had a sentimentality about Superman, due in part to the character’s iconic 1978 film starring the late, great Christopher Reeve. With The Godfathe...
Read MoreSince its release, Avengers: Endgame has swept the internet, along with everything else on Earth (I’m pretty sure the Senate asked Barr what his favorite Iron Man moment was at one point), and nobody can stop talking about it. This week I appeared on Fresh Geek Context, a great podcast that talks ...
Read MoreAfter the publication of psychiatrist Fredric Wertham’s book Seduction of the Innocent in 1954, which accused comic books of having a negative impact on the minds of children, publishers opted to create a self-regulating oversight committee over government regulation of comic book content. This co...
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