Tag: comic books

DC Comics Moves to Censor Iconic Comic Book Art

After the publication of psychiatrist Fredric Wertham’s book Seduction of the Innocent in 1954, which accused comic books of having a negative impact on the minds of children, publishers opted to create a self-regulating oversight committee over government regulation of comic book content. This co...

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Awesome Cheese: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

As I wrote in last month’s Awesome Cheese, comic book films expanded in major ways in the last decade. However, it wasn’t just The Losers that missed a step sometimes; even established franchises go down the wrong path. Such is the case for X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Initially envisioned as t...

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REVIEW: The Flash – Season 5, Episode 19 “Snow Pack”

*SPOILERS* The Flash’ writers seem pretty intent on adding more elements from the comic book source material this season (whether they accurately follow it is another matter entirely). Last week they gave us an interesting look at speedster villain Godspeed. This week, in the episode titled �...

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SPOILER REVIEW: Avengers: Endgame (2019)

It took us 21 movies to get to this point. It started in 2008 when Robert Downey Jr. first showed us his portrayal of Tony Stark. The success of Iron Man propelled the Marvel Cinematic Universe into an era of prosperity that no one could’ve seen coming. Since then, the number of superheroes in...

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REVIEW: Gotham – Season 5, Episode 12 “The Beginning…”

Last week, Bane was beaten, Batgirl got a name, and Bruce set off for parts unknown. This week’s episode, “The Beginning…” represents the fulfillment of a long-held promise: when Gotham aired its final episode, Bruce would don the cape. While it was initially believed that th...

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REVIEW: Avengers: Endgame (2019)

*SPOILER FREE* One year ago, I sat down to write the review for Avengers: Infinity War, a movie so tremendous that I had my doubts Marvel Studios would be able to successfully follow it up when the time came. Today, my doubts were put to rest. Avengers: Endgame is the 22nd film from Marvel Studios, ...

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