The hit CW television series The Flash premiered its fifth season last night. The void in between this season’s pilot and the finale of the previous season was one filled with questions for fans of the Scarlet Speedster, some of which were answered if you caught last night’s episode or are readi...
Read MoreThe shadow of a bat has been cast over the internet as the first image of Ruby Rose as the CW’s Batwoman has emerged online. Rose will first play Kate “Batwoman” Kane on the now-annual DC crossover event later this year, then reprise the role for a pilot that will hopefully be picked up for &h...
Read MoreMarvel may have (mostly) sat out Comic-Con this year, but DC was there in force. In addition to the teases for new movies and series, attendees also saw the debut of the Flash season 5 trailer. After four years as the top-rated show on its network, the CW superhero series is still going strong, and ...
Read MoreThe Flash season 4 all but made me lose interest in what was once one of my favorite shows. I didn’t dislike it; there’s still plenty about the premier superhero series currently airing that I love, and unlike Arrow I think there’s more potential to right the ship next season. But in the face ...
Read MoreArrow season 6 is like a Hot Pocket; parts are hot, parts are cold, and you alternately enjoy it and curse it for not cooking evenly. Certain elements of the new season are handled very well, with a character who’d lost her way of late acting like her old self again, another becoming a much &helli...
Read MoreLast year’s big DC/CW crossover, “Invasion!” was a triumph, uniting the heroes of four comic book series for a massive adventure that was fun while furthering each of the show’s arcs (some more than others). It also managed to leave behind most of the shows’ individual weaknesses and, in s...
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