Well, there we have it. The finale to Arrow’s penultimate season is finally behind us. This season has been building up to a lot of plot threads between two separate timelines and several characters within each. The question ultimately is, did the finale, “You Have Saved This City,” br...
Read MoreIt appears the Caped Crusader’s return to the big screen will be later than we thought. Collider’s Jeff Sneider reports that The Batman may have been delayed. The main sticking point appears to be that Warner Bros. would like more action in the movie, something that is required in this age of ci...
Read More*SPOILERS* As typical for a penultimate episode, this week set up the impending season finale to have an immense amount to cover and wrap up. “The Girl with the Red Lightning” impresses upon our heroes the task of stopping Cicada II/Crazy Future Grace from murdering every metahuman in Central Ci...
Read More*SPOILERS* Last week’s cover for Roy (who is still back and I’m so happy!) put Team Arrow between a rock and a hard place – some figuratively, and in Oliver’s case a bit more literally. At the end of the last episode, Emiko brought the house down on the team; now, we learn that she … ...
Read More*SPOILERS* When we last left our heroes, Nora had been channeling her… negative emotions involving her father dumping her back in the future and his seeming unwillingness to forgive her deception in working with Eobard Thawne. Now that Nora is running using Thawne’s Negative Speed Force, she’s...
Read More*SPOILERS* This week on Arrow, we see the return of a fan-favorite character who hasn’t been seen, at least in the present, in quite some time. With the help of an algorithm developed by Felicity, Team Arrow tracks down potential locations where Emiko and her Ninth Circle followers may be plotting...
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