Since before Obi-Wan Kenobi premiered on May 27th, there has been speculation surrounding a potential season 2. The show was conceived and marketed as a limited series, but many have wondered if the show would continue depending on numbers. Even the actors seem to be fans of the idea; Ewan McGregor...
Read More***SPOILERS*** In “Part VI,” Reva arrives back on Tatooine and asks where Owen is. Meanwhile, things look bleak for the Path as Vader ruthlessly tails their ship. Owen and Beru prepare to fight as Obi-Wan convinces Leia to let him surrender himself to Vader. Obi-Wan’s plan works, and Vader’s...
Read MoreRemember the Honest Trailer about Revenge of the Sith (back when they were funny)? There’s a line in it that says Revenge of the Sith is “the best Star Wars prequel by default simply because something occasionally happens.” That’s “Destined,” the third episode of Ms. Marvel, in a nutshel...
Read MoreIt seems Disney and Rick Riordan are on their way to butchering the Percy Jackson series AGAIN because the 2010 and 2014 films were so critically acclaimed that Disney felt they needed a do-over and a second chance to flop. As previously reported, Riordan and Disney decided to race-swap a very blo...
Read MoreDeborah Chow spoke with Radio Times about the possibility of a second season of Obi-Wan Kenobi. The series was created and marketed as a miniseries, but following the amazing numbers it’s reportedly done for Disney+, the show’s stars, Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen, have also expre...
Read MoreA slow burn isn’t always a good thing, as Ms. Marvel has demonstrated in its first two episodes. The premiere, “Generation Why,” functioned mostly as an introduction to the characters but had almost no plot. Episode 2, “Crushed,” follows suit, with more character-building – the effective...
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