The powerhouses of Jeremy Prime and Drew Hernandez have once again joined forces to thoroughly eviscerate the monstrosity known as Disney’s Kenobi, tearing down this canon-destroying abomination with all the ferocity and gusto for which they are both known. All of the show’s flaws are thoroughly...
Read MoreThe self-described King of All Media may be on his way to Latveria. During a commercial break on his Sirius Radio show, Howard Stern accidentally (perhaps) left a microphone on and told his longtime co-host, Robin Quivers, that he’s “gonna do Doctor Doom” over the summer. The logical assumptio...
Read More“Seeing Red” should have been a lot better than it is. This was Ms. Marvel’s chance to shake up its story and character dynamics, to give a meandering and kind of dull series a boost of excitement. Well, they changed the scenery, but it’s the same mess as before – with an extra helping of ...
Read MoreBefore Joby Harold wrote the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, the concept existed as a movie written by Hossein Amini and Stephen Daldry. Now, a writer named Stuart Beattie has come forward in an interview with The Direct to reveal that he wrote a screenplay for the first film in a planned Obi-Wan Kenobi tr...
Read MoreAccording to Samba TV, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s finale, which dropped last Wednesday, drew an increase of 20% in viewership over The Book of Boba Fett. Samba measures streaming viewership in 3 million households across the United States based on watching more than five minutes of a program. Find more deta...
Read MoreIt’s a ruse worthy of Captain Jack himself. An Australian entertainment news outlet called Poptopic claimed a source told them that Disney is preparing a massive offer for Johnny Depp to return to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise as Captain Jack Sparrow. According to the source – whom they...
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