The penultimate episode of Moon Knight, “The Asylum,” was released onto Disney+ today, marking the beginning of the end of this controversial show. Following the underwhelming prior episodes, the series needed a metaphorical boost or a draw to entice waning viewers to re-engage with the show and...
Read MoreNot many people know this, but back in 2019, Former Vice President of Walt Disney Picture and Television Michael Laney was charged with four counts of first-degree sexual abuse of a child. He was sentenced to eighty-one months in prison. Horrifically, this abuse took place back in 2009. Others ca...
Read MoreOnce again, Twitter has tried to come for one of my favorite actors, and once again, they’ve failed. The hate for Marvel actor Chris Pratt resurfaces pretty consistently on social media, especially Twitter. Off and on over the last couple of years especially, users have taken to the platform t...
Read MoreThe Obi-Wan Kenobi news never stops! In an exclusive, Total Film shared three new images from the upcoming series. One of the pictures shows Obi-Wan walking along what appears to be the sandy streets of Tatooine. Another shows us more of the new Hong Kong-inspired planet of Daiyu, and the last is a ...
Read MoreYou know, the thing! Let’s recap all important Disney stupidity since April seventeenth. New Ride Immediately Breaks Down A new ride opened up at Disney… and, much like everything else Disney these days, it immediately broke down. DeSantis Dumps Disney Florida’s State Senate has de...
Read MoreLEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga launched on April fifth and has already broken records! It has sold an impressive 3.2 million copies within its first two weeks. This game has been heavily anticipated since its announcement back in 2019. This is the largest LEGO video game to date, where playe...
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