Starting in 1937 with the first feature-length animated film ever produced, Disney has become synonymous with their animated princesses. The glorification of the princess archetype by the Disney Princesses has come under considerable criticism in the recent years, with people claiming it sets a poor...
Read More“You’re something special, Jim. You’re going to rattle the stars you are.” When directors John Musker and Ron Clements pitched Disney’s The Little Mermaid to the company’s executives, they also pitched a movie called Treasure Island in Space. Then-chief of Walt Disney Studios Jef...
Read More“Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” Atlantis: The Lost Empire wasn’t Disney’s only shot at science fiction in the early 2000’s. In fact, the next two films to come out of Walt Disney Feature Animation, Lilo & Stitch and Treasure Planet, were both di...
Read More“Our people live but our culture is dying.” In the early 2000’s Disney was intent on experimentation. The studio had produced a slew of hits in the early 90’s, but throughout the decade their success slowed and the output needed to adjust accordingly. Rather than cling to the formula that ga...
Read MoreThe official EA Star Wars Twitter account revealed the second season for Star Wars Battlefront II, based on the new film Solo: A Star Wars Story, and I don’t think anyone is really surprised. They haven’t given much in the way of details, other than the confirmation and that more information is ...
Read More“A llama? He’s supposed to be dead!” The Emperor’s New Groove was the second animated movie Disney released in 2000, and suffice it to say, it’s a very different film from Dinosaur. Initially, the studio was producing a film called Kingdom of the Sun, intended to be a serious version o...
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