Cabrini, released March eighth of this year by Angel Studios, tells the incredible true story of Mother Francesca Cabrini, who, when arriving in New York in 1889, is met with disease, crime, and orphaned children. She embarks on a daring mission to convince the mayor of New York to secure housing an...
Read MoreHBO has delayed filming Euphoria season 3 for the umpteenth time, citing ongoing script work and difficulty coordinating the schedules of the show’s cast. The third season has already been pushed back due to strikes and the unfortunate passing of Angus Cloud, who plays Fez. Production was suppose...
Read MoreToday, MAX released two separate trailers for House of the Dragon season 2, themed Green and Black for the Hightowers and Rhaenyra, respectively. Check them out here, and let us know which side you’re on: Here’s the Black trailer: And the Green trailer: I really, really enjoyed season 1 of ...
Read MoreIn light of winning the Oscar for Best Animated Feature, The Boy and the Heron is returning to US theaters on March 22nd. The film will feature special added content like a foreword with composer Joe Hisaishi (who has composed most of Studio Ghibli’s oeuvre) and a drawing lesson with supervising...
Read MoreTom Cruise may try to avenge Leonardo DiCaprio by going after that Revenant bear. (I’m kidding; I saw the movie and know what happens.) Yesterday, Variety ran an article saying that Cruise was looking to work with “auteurs” as part of his new deal with Warner Bros., particularly for his fir...
Read MoreThe Man Without Fear is growing his support stable. Deadline reports that Genneya Walton has been cast in Daredevil: Born Again, the Disney+ revival of the Netflix series Daredevil. Walton’s role hasn’t been revealed, but Deadline says she’s playing “a young journalist with connections to a ...
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