Following the devastating and disastrous season 8 of Game of Thrones, countless planned spinoffs were canceled, and the disgruntled fans supported these cancellations, many believing that the franchise was dead. The only spinoff to survive the purge was House of the Dragon, which just released its p...
Read MoreHBO is hoping people still want to see some fire and blood, as they’ve released a new House of the Dragon trailer. A prequel to the beloved-then-reviled fantasy series Game of Thrones (and based on George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire prequel novel, Fire and Blood, which he probably wrote...
Read MoreHBO is hoping people will want to a return to Westeros because they’ve released the first House of the Dragon trailer. A prequel to the enormously popular – and nearly universally disappointing – Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon takes place 200 years before the series and depicts the histo...
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